The video tutorial above doesn't include the Cash and Credit Quick Pay buttons that the Lightspeed Payments gateway supports. You'll find information on these 2 Quick Pay buttons below in step 5. Processing a payment below.
Opening a sale
To begin, you can either start a new sale or continue an in-progress sale that hasn't been completed.
New sale
To start a new sale, navigate to the Sales Screen. Click New Sale.
In progress sale
You can continue an in-progress sale in three different ways:
- From the main menu, click Sales > Continue Sale.
- Click Sales and under Recent Activity, click the shopping cart icon next to the in-progress sale.
- Click Sales and under Recent Activity, click View All to find and continue other in-progress sales.
Attaching a customer to the sale
Attaching customers to sales is recommended:
- to easily locate a sale for a refund,
- to perform a targeted marketing campaign, and
- for your general reporting purposes.
Attaching customers to sales is also important for your Retail account to recognize if they have a discount or sales tax applied to their customer account or their customer type. Depending on your settings, a customer may also be required to process a sale using a specific payment type or discount.
To attach a customer to the sale, you can either find an existing customer or create a new customer on the fly.
Existing customer
You can attach an existing customer to a sale by either entering their searchable details or using search filters.
To attach an existing customer using their searchable details:
- In the Search Customers field, type your customer's searchable details.
- Click Search. Your customer will attach to the sale if your searchable details have a unique match.
- If the searchable details don't have a unique match, click the Attach To Sale button next to your existing customer.
To attach an existing customer using search filters:
- To the right of the Search Customers field, click Search.
- Use the available filters to narrow your search results.
- Click the Attach To Sale button next to your existing customer.
New customer
If a new customer account is created for an already existing customer, the customer will now have duplicate customer accounts. To avoid duplicates, we recommend searching for an existing customer before creating a new one. If you do have multiple accounts for the same customer, you can merge them into one customer account.
- To the right of the Search Customers field, click + New.
- Enter your customer's details.
- Click Attach To Sale.
Adding items to the sale
The general workflow of adding items to a sale involves the following actions, all of which can be performed from the register:
Locating items
During a sale, you can add existing items, create new items, or sell and recharge gift cards.
Existing items
You can locate an existing item by using search filters or entering the following searchable details:
- Description
- Manufacturer SKU
- Custom SKU
- System ID
- Vendor ID
To locate an existing item using its searchable details:
- In the Item field, scan or enter your item's searchable details.
- Click Search. Your item will attach to the sale if your searchable details have a unique match.
- If the searchable details don't have a unique match, click the +Add button next to your item.
To locate an existing item using search filters:
- To the right of the Item field, click Search.
- Use the available filters to narrow your search results.
- Click the +Add button next to your item.
- If you're adding multiple items at a time, select their checkboxes and click + Add Selected at the bottom of the search results instead.
To view an item's images, click the item in the sale and click its description to go to the item's details. This is useful if you want to confirm that you added the correct item to the sale.
New items
- To the right of the Item field, click the + New menu button
- Enter your item's details.
- Click Add to Sale.
Gift cards
- To the right of the Item field, click the Gift Card menu button
- Enter an Amount.
- Scan or enter the gift card number.
- Click Create Gift Card. The amount will be added to the new or existing gift card once the sale is completed.
Selecting or creating serial numbers (if required)
If you added a serialized item to the sale, under its description, choose one of its existing serial numbers or create a new serial number.
Existing serial number
From the Choose Serial Number drop-down, select an existing serial number.
Create a new serial number
Click Add New Serial and scan or enter a Serial Number, Color, and Size.
Adjusting the quantity of each item (optional)
Optionally, adjust the quantity of the items in the sale by:
- scanning each additional item individually.
- scanning one of the additional items multiple times.
- entering the quantity in the item's QTY. field.
Removing items (optional)
If you need to remove items from the sale, click the trash icon to the left of their descriptions.
Modifying the sale
In just a few clicks, you can modify the entire sale or the individual items. If you plan on modifying both, we recommend modifying the entire sale beforehand so you don't overwrite your individual modifications.
Modifying the entire sale
You can apply a discount, a sales tax, or an employee to all the items in a sale. If you're using the Line Employee report to calculate employee commissions, applying an employee will assign all the items to them.
- Under the items, click one of the buttons at the bottom right of the register:
- Apply Employee
- Apply Discount
- Set Tax
- Depending on your modification, select employee, discount, or sales tax from the available drop-down.
- To apply your modification, click one of the buttons below:
- Set Employee on all Sale Lines
- Apply Discount
- Save Sales Tax
Modifying individual items
You can change an item's quantity, price, discount, tax class, and associated employee and set the item as either taxable or non-taxable. If a customer is attached to the sale, you can move the item to the Layaway or Special Order tab in the register if you want to either reserve the item or order more quantities for them.
- Click the item's description.
- Enter, scan or select your desired modifications:
- Quantity: Enter a different quantity or scan additional items in the Qty. field.
- Price: Enter a new price in the Price field.
- Discount: Select a discount from the Discount drop-down.
- Tax: Enable or disable the Tax checkbox to mark the item as taxable or non-taxable.
- Tax Class: Select a tax class from the Tax Class drop-down.
- Employee: Select an employee from the Employee drop-down. If you're using the Line Employee report to calculate employee commissions, this will assign the item to the selected employee.
- Click Save.
Processing a payment
There are several payment types that you can configure in Retail POS and offer your customers to pay for their purchases.
Credit/Debit payment
- Click Payment.
- In the Credit Card or Debit Card field, enter the payment amount or click Max.
- Process the card at the terminal.
- Click Finish Sale.
- Click Payment.
- Select the cash value using the cash denomination buttons, type the amount into the cash field, or click the MAX button to populate the full value of the sale.
- If the customer is owed change, the value will be displayed under the Cash field.
- Click Finish Sale.
Other payment types
You can also use any of the following payment types configured in Settings > Payment Types section of your account to process a payment:
- Gift Card: Click Gift Card, scan or enter the gift card number, enter an amount that doesn't exceed the card's current balance, and click Charge. For more information, refer to our Accepting gift cards article.
- Account: Enter an amount that doesn't exceed the account's available credit or click MAX. For more information, refer to our Making payments to customer accounts article.
- Custom: Enter the amount or click Max next to the associated custom payment type.
Processing split payments
If your customer wishes to use a combination of payment types, you can accept partial payments to split the sale amount across multiple payment types:
- Click Payment.
- Depending on your customer's payment type(s), click payment type and enter or process an amount for the first payment type.
- Repeat step 2 for each payment type the customer wishes to use until the balance is paid.
- Click Finish Sale.
Printing or emailing the receipt
Once you click Finish Sale, you can either print the receipt, print the gift receipt, or email the receipt to your customer.
If the Disable Receipt Auto Printing checkbox is deselected in Settings > General Options > Printing, a print prompt for the receipt automatically appears after clicking Finish Sale. You simply need to click Print from the print prompt and hand the receipt to your customer. To select a different receipt option, click Cancel from the print prompt to return to the register.
If you're planning to be ecological and only email receipts, we recommend selecting the Disable Receipt Auto Printing checkbox so you can select the Email Receipt option directly after finishing a sale.
Printing the receipt
To print the receipt, click Print Receipt.
Printing the gift receipt
To print the gift receipt, click Print Gift Receipt.
Emailing the receipt
- Click Email Receipt.
- In the To Email Address field, enter your customer's email address.
- Click Email Receipt.
What's next?
Managing credit accounts
Add deposits, refund deposits, and make payments to customer accounts.
Learn more