To take full advantage of your Retail account as a powerful inventory management solution, it's important to understand which item details can be searched and filtered from the register and throughout your account. This way, you can know which item details to enter when you add, import, update or quick edit your items.
As an example, here's how you can do an inventory search from the Item Search section:
- From the main menu, click Inventory > Item Search.
- Enter or scan your item's searchable details in the Search Item Descriptions, Tag(s) or Exclude Tag(s) fields.
- Optionally, use the available filters under Advanced to refine your search results.
Searchable item details
From an item's Details section, the following fields are searchable:
- Description
- System ID
- Custom SKU
- Manufacturer SKU
- Tags
From an item's Vendor ID section, the following field per vendor is searchable:
- Vendor ID
Filterable item details
From an item's Details section, you can filter on the following fields, drop-downs, checkboxes and item details:
- Type
- Serialized
- Matrix (which matrix attribute set the item is assigned to)
- Category
- Brand
- Publish to eCom
- Tax Class
- Vendor
- Archived (whether the item is active or archived)
From an item's Inventory section, the item's current quantity on hand is related to the following inventory search checkboxes:
- Items w/ Inventory
- Items w/o Inventory
Other inventory search filters
- Catalog results: Enable to display catalog search results in the Catalog Matches tab.
- Catalog: Select whether to include search results from all catalogs or only a specific catalog.
- Show All Shops: Enable to display the quantity on hand per shop of your items.
- Shop: Select whether to include the search results for all shops or only a specific shop.