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Creating a layaway

Layaways (or lay-bys) are a great way for your customers to reserve items you have in stock. For example, a customer can simply contact one of your locations to inquire about an item, request to have it put on layaway, and then come in-store to pick it up.

Layaways can also be added through the Lightspeed Retail application programming interface (API).

Creating a layaway

  1. Navigate to Sales > Layaway.

    The Sales page, with Layaway emphasized.

  2. Select the customer.

    List of customers, with + Attach To Sale next to each name.

  3. Use the Item field to search for the item(s).
    1. If multiple items match your input, click + Add to add the item.
    2. You can select multiple items by clicking in the tickboxes and then clicking + Add Selected.

      Items search page, showing two items checked to add to the layaway.

  4. Click Payment.

    Payment screen.

  5. (Optional) If the customer wants to add a deposit, click Add Deposit.

    Payment screen, with Add Deposit emphasized.

    Enter the deposit amount and click Add.

    Pop-up window asking for deposit amount.

  6. Click Finish Sale.

    Payments screen.

Putting items from a sale on layaway

If you've added items to a sale and want to put them on layaway:

  1. Add a customer to your sale.
  2. Click Layaway All.

    Sales screen, with Layaway All emphasized.

    (Optional) To add an individual item to a layaway, click the item. In the Move To drop-down, select Layaway. Click Save.

    Sales screen with item selected and Move To drop-down menu displayed.

  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Payment.

    Payment screen.

  5. (Optional) If the customer wants to add a deposit, click Add Deposit.

    Payment screen, with Add Deposit emphasized.

    Enter the deposit amount and click Add.

    Pop-up window asking for deposit amount.

  6. Click Finish Sale.

    Payments screen.

Adding payments or deposits to a layaway

  1. Navigate to Sales > New Sale.

    The Sales page, with New Sale emphasized.

  2. Search for a customer's layaways by barcode or customer name.
    • If the customer has a receipt or an account deposit receipt, scan the barcode on the receipt into the Item field.
    • You can also associate a new sale with the customer. The number of items they have on layaway is displayed at the top of the page.
  3. Click Layaway.

    Sales screen, with Layaway tab emphasized.

  4. Click Payment.

    The payment screen displays the total the customer has on deposit in their account, if any.

    Payment screen.

  5. (Optional) If the customer wants to add a deposit, click Add Deposit.

    Payment screen, with Add Deposit emphasized.

    Enter the deposit amount and click Add.

    Pop-up window asking for deposit amount.

  6. Click Finish Sale.

    Payments screen.

Completing a layaway

When your customer comes in-store to pick up their layaway, you can complete their transaction.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Layaway.

    The Sales page, with Layaway emphasized.

  2. Select the customer.

    List of customers, with + Attach To Sale next to each name.

  3. Click Complete next to the item(s) they want to buy.

    You can also select Complete All to select all items.

    Layaway showing three items with Complete next to each one.

  4. You will be navigated back to the Sale tab. Finish out the sale as you would with a typical sale.

    Sales tab with items from layaway ready to be paid for.

What's next?

Creating a special order

Find out how to create a special order

Learn more

Creating purchase orders

Generate a purchase order to restock your inventory.

Learn more

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