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Adding customers and customer types

Setting up a customer database is an important step in getting started with Retail POS. Adding customers allows you to offer credit accounts, layaways, special orders, work orders, provide quotes, curate special pricing for different customer types, and generate detailed sales records per customer.

Creating customer profiles

You can create an individual customer profile before starting a transaction, or during a sale. Customer profiles will also be generated during an eCom order.

Creating a customer

  1. On desktop: Navigate to Customers > Customers.

    Customers page.

    On iPad: Navigate to the Manager tab > Customers.

    Manager tab, with Customers option emphasized.

  2. Select + New Customer.

    List of customers, with + New Customer option emphasized.

  3. Enter your customer's information.

    Customer details page with details such as Name, Phone number, Address, and Email entered.

  4. Optionally, select customer Type, specific Discount, and/or specific Sales Tax.
  5. Select Save Changes to finish creating your customer.

You will be taken to the customer's page, where you can track sales and account information linked to this customer.

Customer details page with all customer information saved.

Creating a customer during a sale

  1. Start a sale as usual.
  2. Select + New.

    Sale in progress, with + New option emphasized.

  3. Enter the customer's information.

    Customer page where details such as Name, Phone, Address, Email, etc. can be entered.

  4. Select Attach to sale.
  5. Optional: To add a Note to a customer's profile, select Note.

    Sale in progress with customer attached and Note option emphasized.

    • Enter your information and select Save.

      Note modal with space to enter a note and select Save to add to customer's profile.

  6. Finish out the sale.

Adding a customer from an eCom (C-Series) order

For Omni merchants only.

If a sale is created due to an order in your eCom store, a new customer account is created automatically when the order in eCom is marked as Paid. You can further manage your customer accounts in eCom.

To view and edit other customer account details, you must do so from a customer account search.

Understanding customer details

To view and edit customer account details, you can search for a customer or select a customer by navigating to Customers > Customers > Customer Name.

Some of the more nuanced fields on the customer's page are explained below.

Customer page with Type, Discount, and Sales Tax sections emphasized.

  • Type: Specifies the customer type for special discounts and sales tax rate.
  • Discount: Specifies a discount rate for the customer.
  • Sales Tax: Specifies a sales tax rate for the customer.

Customer page with Custom and Tags sections emphasized.

  • Custom: A custom detail, such as a membership number.
  • Tags: Keywords or terms used in customer searches. You can add multiple tags by separating them with a comma.

Customer page with Contact section emphasized.

In the Contact section, you can select your customer's preferred contact method if you have their explicit consent. If you're an Omnichannel merchant, customers who subscribed to your newsletter in your eCom store will have the Email checkbox automatically selected.

You can create custom fields to record useful customer information.

Creating customer types

Customer types automatically apply percentage discounts and sales tax information when a customer with that type is attached to a sale. You can override the discount and sales tax during a sale.

Customer-type discounts do not apply to items or labor that are non-discountable.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customer Types.

    Customer page with Customer Types emphasized.

  2. Select + New Customer Type.

    Customer Types list.

  3. Enter the name of the customer type.

    New Customer Type page, with Name field and Discount and Tax Category drop-down menus.

  4. If applicable, select a predefined Discount.
  5. If applicable, select the Tax Category.
  6. Select Save Changes.

You can use a similar method to add employee discounts.

What's next?

Searching for customers

Understand how to search for a specific customer.

Learn more

Importing customer data

Use a spreadsheet to quickly import bulk customer information.

Learn more

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