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Making sales in Retail POS (R-Series)

To begin making a sale, you can either start a new sale or continue an in-progress sale that hasn't been completed.

You must choose an open register before beginning a sale.

Opening a sale

To begin, you can either start a new sale or continue an in-progress sale.

To start a new sale, click New Sale from the Profile screen (iPad) or the Sales screen (desktop).

Sales screen highlighting the New Sale button.

To continue an in-progress sale, click Sales from the Profile screen to find the sale you want to continue (iPad) or Sales > Continue sale (desktop).

On desktop, you can also continue a sale from Sales > Recent activity by clicking the shopping cart icon beside an in-progress sale, or View All to find a sale.

Adding a customer to a sale

You can complete a sale without adding a customer, but an attached customer makes it easier to process refunds, gain insights from reporting, and apply special discounts or tax considerations. You can create a new customer or add an existing customer to a sale.

To add an existing customer to a sale:

  1. Click Add Customer > search for the customer (iPad) or use the search bar and filters to find the customer (desktop).

    A sale on iPad highlighting the Add customer button.

  2. Click the customer > Add to sale (iPad) or find the customer on the search results page > + Attach to sale (desktop).

    If the search details match the information in your customer database, the customer will automatically attach to the sale.

The customer will be attached to the sale and the completed sale will be recorded in their account. You can remove a customer by clicking > Remove from sale (iPad) or Remove (desktop).

Adding items to a sale

  • Adding items to a sale on iPad

    To add an item to a sale on iPad:

    1. Scan the item’s barcode or click the magnifying glass icon to search for an item.

      A scanned item will be automatically added to the sale if the barcode has a unique match in your inventory.

    2. Add an item from the list by clicking the + icon or click the item’s thumbnail > + Add to Sale. You can toggle between list and thumbnail views by clicking the Thumbnail mode icon next to the search bar.

      The item search highlighting the + icon to add an item.

    3. (Optional) Adjust the item quantity by clicking the + or - beside the item or click the icon > Quantity, enter the quantity > Done.
  • Adding items to a sale on desktop

    To add an item to a sale on desktop:

    1. Scan the item’s barcode or enter your item's searchable details.

      A desktop sale highlighting the item search.

    2. If a unique match is found, the item will be automatically added to the sale. Otherwise, click Search to locate the item.

      You can find an item with the searchable details Description, UPC, EAN, SKU or Custom SKU, System ID, or Vendor ID.

    3. Click +Add to add an item to the sale or use the checkboxes to select multiple items > + Add Selected.

You can also add special items to the cart, including:

  • Gift cards
  • Labor charges
  • Miscellaneous charges ( + > Miscellaneous Charge on (iPad) or Misc. (Desktop))
  • Custom charges using custom menu buttons

Creating new items from the Sales screen

If you can’t find an item by scanning or searching, you can create a new item from the Sales screen and add it to the sale.

To create a new item:

  1. On the Sales screen, click + > Create New Item (iPad) or + New (desktop).
  2. Enter the item details.
  3. To add an image, click Add Image > Take or Choose a photo (iPad).
  4. Click Create (iPad) or Add to Sale (Desktop).

The item will be added to the sale. It will also be created in your inventory as a Single item type (an item with stock) with default quantity 1. If you sell more than one of the item, it will have a negative inventory quantity.

Modifying a sale

You can modify an entire sale or individual items in a sale. Modifying the entire sale will overwrite item-specific changes, so apply cart-wide changes first.

Modifying an entire sale

To make changes to the entire sale:

  1. Click the … icon (iPad).
  2. Select an option:
    • Apply Discounts: Apply a discount to the entire sale.
    • Apply Employee: Update the employee attached to the sale. If you’re using the Line Employee report to calculate employee commissions, applying an employee to the sale assigns them all items in the sale.
    • Set Tax: Choose the tax class for the sale.
  3. Update and apply the change.

Modifying an item in a sale

To update an item in a sale:

  1. Click the ... icon (iPad).
  2. Choose an option:
    • Price: Change the price of an item.
    • Quantity: Increase or decrease the amount of an item in the cart.

    • Discount: Modify a discount.
    • Employee: Update the employee attached to the item.
    • Taxed: Make the item taxed or non-taxed with the Taxed toggle (iPad) or by clicking the item and checking the Tax checkbox (desktop).
    • Tax Class: Change the tax class.
  3. Update and apply the change.

You can also add an internal or receipt note to the sale. Click Add time to add a timestamp with your name to an internal note.

Adding serial numbers to a sale item

If you’re selling a serialized item:

  1. Below the item description, tap Add Serial Number (iPad) or Choose Serial Number (desktop).

    The serial number dropdown on a desktop sale.

  2. Select, scan, or create a serial number.
  3. Click Done (iPad) or Add New Serial (Desktop).

Removing items from a sale

To remove an item from the sale, click the ... icon beside the item > Remove from Sale (iPad) or the trash icon to the left of the item description (desktop).

The item will be removed from the cart.

Taking payment for a sale

After adding a customer and items to the sale, you can accept different payment types to complete the purchase.

  1. Click Cash, Card, or More Payments (iPad) or Payment (desktop).

    If you choose More Payments, select a payment type:

  2. Enter the payment amount for the payment type. If needed, select another payment method to settle the balance.
  3. Click Finish Sale.

If you attach a customer to the sale, you can also save the sale as a quote.

Printing or emailing the receipt

After completing the sale, you can:

  • Print Receipt
  • Print Gift Receipt
  • Email Receipt

A completed sale displaying receipt options.

If Automatically Print Receipt is enabled in your receipt printer settings, clicking Finish Sale automatically prints the receipt. To select a different receipt option, wait for the receipt to print or cancel the print job.

Completing the sale may also open your cash drawer, depending on your settings.

Along with printing a full-page and gift receipts via AirPrint, you can also print or email the sale and gift receipt from the Sales History.

What's next?

Adding customers and customer types

Offer more options and save sales records by customer.

Learn more

Refunding and exchanging

Issue refunds or exchanges for customer purchases.

Learn more

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