Opening and closing your register at the beginning and end of each trading day is an important part of daily procedures. By recording the start and end of each day, discrepancies are easier to catch, earnings for each day are clearly viewable, and reports stay accurate. Combined with recording cash movements throughout the day, this reduces the risk of errors or theft.
All user roles can open and close registers and perform cash movements. These permissions are the default and cannot be removed from user roles.
Opening a register
Before you can begin trading for the day, you need to open your register and add a cash float if your business trades with cash.
Opening a register on desktop
To make sales in Retail POS, you need to open your register. This involves counting and entering your opening float in Retail POS. At the end of the day, close your register to see any shortages or overages of funds in your cash drawer (cash and non-cash payment types). If you have a receipt printer set up, a Cash Drawer Adjustment printout also prints automatically when you open or close your register.
- Navigate to Sales.
- Select your register.
- Enter an amount for each cash denomination.
Alternatively, enter your total float in the Extra field.
- Select Submit Count.
Your register is now officially open. You can choose to Print Receipt, Continue Sale (if a sale is open), or start a New Sale.
If you've set up your receipt printer, a Cash Drawer Adjustment printout will print automatically. If you've connected your cash drawer to your receipt printer with a cable, your cash drawer will also open.
You can physically open your cash drawer from Retail POS at any time. To do so, simply go to Sales and select either Open Register, Close Register, Add Amount or Payout/Drop. Then, select Open Drawer.
- Navigate to Sales.
Opening a register on iPad
- From the Profile screen, tap Open register.
- Enter an amount for each cash denomination.
Alternatively, enter your total float in the Float field. - Optionally, enter additional information in the Notes field. What you enter will display in the DESCRIPTION column of the Adds/Payouts report.
If you have a receipt printer, it will also show on the Cash Drawer Adjustment printout.
- Tap Done.
To physically open the cash drawer, tap Open drawer at the top of the Open register modal.
- From the Profile screen, tap Open register.
Adding and removing cash
Throughout the day, you may need to add or remove cash from the cash drawer. It's important to record cash movement to monitor for inaccurate counting or theft. You can leave a note to record the reason for the cash movement if required.
When you need to remove money from the till, use a payout to keep your till in balance with what's expected at the end of the day. The register must already be open for you to do a payout.
Completing a payout
Payouts occur when you need to remove an amount of money from the till.
- Navigate to Sales > Payout/Drop.
- Enter an amount for each cash denomination.
Alternatively, enter the total amount to remove in the Extra field.
- In the Type drop-down, select the type of payment being removed from the register.
- Optionally, enter a note for the payout in the Note field. A note helps track the purpose of the payout.
- Click Withdraw.
- Remove the amount from the till.
You can Print Receipt, Continue Sale (if a sale is open), or start a New Sale.
Completing a payin
Use a payin to add cash to the register for any purpose other than opening the register.
- Navigate to Sales > Add Amount.
- Enter an amount for each cash denomination.
Alternatively, enter the total amount to add in the Extra field.
- In the Type drop-down, select the type of payment being added to the register.
- Optionally, enter a note for the payin in the Note field. A note helps track the purpose of the payin.
- Click Add.
- Add the amount to the till.
You can Print Receipt, Continue Sale (if a sale is open), or start a New Sale.
Making payment adjustments
If you have access rights, you can switch payment types and edit the closing counts even after they're submitted at the end of day. This helps adjust incorrect entries made during the day, such as if a user accidentally selects the wrong payment type for a payment received.
Switching payment types
- Navigate to Settings > Adjust Payments. The payments you've received for the current day are displayed.
- Filter by date and/or Payment Type. Select Advanced to additionally filter by location.
- Click Search.
- Use the Type drop-down to change the payment type.
You can Print or Export this page.
Editing closing counts
- Navigate to Reports.
- In the Registers section, select Closing Counts.
- The closing counts for the current day are displayed.
- Filter by date. Select Advanced to additionally filter by Register, Payment Type, Location, and/or Include Archived Payment Types.
- Click Search.
- Type the correct amount in the Counted column.
You can Print or Export this page.
Closing a register
Closing your register at the end of the day allows you to total up your payments based on physical cash counts and printed credit card receipts, then compare this to sales and payments recorded in Retail POS.
It is best practice to close each register at the end of each day. This allows you to refer back to payment information at a daily level. Leaving your register open for multiple days in a row can make it more difficult to pinpoint certain payments or issues at a later date.
Closing a register on desktop
- Navigate to Sales > Close Register.
If you want to close a different register than the one that's currently selected in Retail POS, select Sales > Switch Registers first.
- Under the Total Remaining column, you'll see how much you should be entering in your closing count for each payment type.
- Enter an amount for each cash denomination. Alternatively, enter your total float in the Extra field.
- Review the closing count of all the other payment types and correct them if necessary.
The amount in the Closing Count field matches the amount in the Total Remaining field by default.
- Optionally, enter additional information in the Notes field. What you enter will display in the Notes field of your closing count in the Closing Count report.
- Select Submit Counts.
- Review your closing counts.
- If none of your closing counts are short or over, select Save Counts.
If some are, select Redo Counts and repeat the previous steps.
If you encounter discrepancies in a closing count, you can go to Settings > Adjust Payment Types to edit incorrect entries made during the day. You can also go to Reports > Closing Counts to edit closing counts after they're saved.
Your register is now officially closed in Retail POS. You can Print Receipt or navigate to another register.
- Navigate to Sales > Close Register.
Closing a register on iPad
To close your register, it must be the one that's currently assigned to your iPad. You can check this from the Profile screen. To change registers, navigate to the Profile screen under Devices. Tap Register assigned and select the register.
- From the Profile screen, tap Close register.
This takes you to the Close register modal where you'll see an Expected amount for each payment type. The Difference amount matches the Expected amount by default. Once you enter an amount in the Counted field, the Difference field updates to help you identify any potential miscounts.
- Enter an amount for each cash denomination.
Alternatively, enter your total float in the Float field.
- For other payment types, enter a total amount for each payment type in their respective Counted fields.
- Optionally, enter additional information in the Notes field. What you enter will display in the Notes field of your closing count in the Closing Count report.
If you have a receipt printer, it will also show on the Cash Drawer Adjustment printout. - Tap Done.
To physically open the cash drawer, tap Open drawer at the top of the Close register modal.
- From the Profile screen, tap Close register.