For item classification purposes, it's recommended to add all your item brands into Retail POS. By doing so, you can run a report to view sales by brand under Reports > Grouped Sales Totals > Brand report.
You can add brands from Inventory > Brands, an item or matrix brand dropdown, or through the item import tool. Importing items with brands automatically adds the brands to the Brands page of your account.
Formatting brand information
The following rules apply when entering a brand name:
- Maximum of 255 characters.
- Leading and trailing whitespace will be removed.
- UTF-8 characters are supported.
When entering a brand name, Retail POS does a case insensitive search to avoid duplicates (for example, if Lightspeed is found, LIGHTSPEED or lightspeed can't be added).
If you have an eCom store, see Managing product brands in eCom to understand how brands in Retail are synced with eCom.
Adding brands from the Brands page
- Navigate to Inventory > Brand.
- Click + New Brand.
- Enter the brand name.
- Click Save Changes.
Once you've added your brands, you can click the column headers in Settings > Brands to sort them by name or the number of items associated with the brands.
Adding brands from the item brand dropdown
- Navigate to Inventory > Item Search.
- Enter the item's description and click Search.
- Locate and click the item.
- From the Brand dropdown, enter the brand name. If the brand name already exists, the brand will appear in the dropdown's search results.
- Click the + (Add) icon to add the brand.
- Click Save Changes.
Adding brands from the matrix brand dropdown
- Navigate to Inventory > Matrix.
- Enter the matrix's description and click Search. If you're adding a new matrix, click + New Matrix.
- For existing matrices, locate and click your matrix.
- From the Brand dropdown, enter the brand name. If the brand name already exists, the brand will appear in the dropdown's search results.
- Click the + (Add) icon to add the brand.
- Click Save Changes.
Merging brands
Merging brands is irreversible.
To avoid duplicate brand records, search for an existing brand before adding a new one. If you do have multiple records for the same brand, you can merge them together to:
- Reassign all the items to the primary brand record.
- Reassign all reporting data to the primary brand record (Reports > Grouped Sales Totals > Brand report).
- Delete the secondary brand record.
To merge brands:
- Navigate to Inventory > Brands.
- Click the name of the primary brand record you'd like to keep, or refine your search results by entering the name of the secondary brand record in the Search field and clicking Search.
- In the left menu, click Merge.
- Check the box of the secondary brand record you'd like to merge into the primary brand record. You can also select all the brands in your search results by clicking the checkbox to the left of the Brand column header. Or, refine your search results by entering the name of the secondary brand record in the Search field and clicking Search.
- Click Merge (#) Brands.
- Review the warning message then click OK.