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Creating matrices

If you need to add items that are the same but vary in size, color or by another attribute (e.g. t-shirts), creating matrices is an alternative to adding individual items manually.

Matrices group similar items together by the attributes that they share. These similar items are referred to as "variants" and the attributes that they share are determined by their matrix attribute sets. Matrix attribute sets can have up to three attributes and Lightspeed Retail POS has three built-in matrix attribute sets:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Color/Size

You can also create your own custom matrix attribute sets.

Creating a matrix

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory > Matrix > + New Matrix.
  2. Under Shared Values, enter the matrix's description and any other details that will be shared with all the items within the matrix.

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  3. Under Matrix Type, select a matrix attribute set from the Attributes drop-down.

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    Besides the built-in system attribute sets, you can select a custom matrix attribute set, but you first need to create it under Inventory> Matrix Attribute Sets.

  4. Under Default Values, enter the default price, default cost and tags that will be shared with all the items within the matrix.

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  5. Click Save Changes. The matrix attribute set displays on the right (e.g. Color and Size).Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 6.22.png
  6. In the fields under the matrix attribute set, enter the attributes of the matrix (e.g. Under Color, enter "Blue").Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 6.24.png
  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. To add existing inventory items to the matrix:

    1. Under Add Existing Item To Matrix search the existing items you want to add.
    2. Select the checkboxes of the items you want to add and click +Add Selected. Alternatively, click the Select icons of an individual item.
    3. After an item has been added to the matrix, use the drop-down menu to assign that item the appropriate matrix attributes (e.g. Red and Small).

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  9. To add new inventory items to the matrix, click Matrix in the submenu and click the + button of the items you want to add to the matrix.

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    Items create within the matrix inherit the default values of the matrix.

  10. Click Setup on the submenu.
  11. Under Group Items, enter item details for all the matrix items (e.g. UPC).

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  12. Optionally, click the pencil icon to enter other item details that aren't displayed under Group Items.
  13. Click Save Changes.

Creating a matrix attribute set

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory > Matrix Attribute Sets > + New Matrix Attribute Set.
  2. Enter a name for the matrix attribute set.

  3. From the # of Attributes drop-down, select 1 Attribute, 2 Attributes or 3 Attributes.

  4. In the attribute field(s), enter descriptive name(s) (e.g. "Color").

  5. Click Save Changes.

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Editing a matrix

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory > Matrix.

  2. Select the matrix to edit under the COMMON DESCRIPTION column header.
  3. Edit the matrix as needed and click Save Changes:

    • To change the shared values of items in the matrix, under Shared Values - Applied to all items in the matrix, edit the applicable values and click Save Changes.

    • To set or re-apply default values to all items in the matrix, adjust the values under Default Values and click Reset Items To Defaults.

    • To re-name a matrix item, you can do either of the following:
      • Edit the group description that makes up its item description. This will re-name all items in the matrix as the group description is shared amongst them.

      • Edit the attribute variant(s) that makeup its item description. This will re-name all items in the matrix that contain the attribute variant(s) in their item description.

      • From the Group Items area, click the pencil icon next to the matrix item you want to edit and select different variant(s) from the attribute drop-down(s).
    • To reorder your matrix attributes, click and drag the icon next to the attribute name.

While in the editing mode, you can Archive or Duplicate the matrix as needed.

Archiving or duplicating a matrix

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory > Matrix.

  2. Select a matrix under the COMMON DESCRIPTION column header.
  3. Click Archive or Duplicate.

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