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Refunding and exchanging

You can issue refunds or process exchanges either by finding the original sales transaction and refunding it (refund by reference) or by creating a new sale and converting it to a refund (an ad hoc refund).

For more accurate and thorough record-keeping, it's recommended to refund from the original transaction whenever possible.

Creating a quick refund

You can create a quick refund using the Sales screen. This will refund the customer's money, but will not keep track of which sale has been refunded.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Refund.

    Sales page with Refund emphasized.

    • If the Refund button isn't visible, select New Sale, then return to the Sales menu.
  2. Scan your customer's receipt in the Item field or type in the item that is being refunded.

    Refund with item added.

  3. Select Payment.
  4. Choose the payment method being refunded.
  5. Select Finish Sale.

Refunding the original sale

Refunding the original sale is helpful for your record-keeping, can help eliminate fraud, and can also prevent you from refunding discounted items at full price. Refunding the original sale involves finding the sale, selecting the item(s) to refund, optionally adding items to exchange, and processing the payment.

Finding the original sale

You can find the original sale by scanning the customer's receipt, looking up the sale number (iPad only), searching by customer name, or searching by item(s) (Retail POS only).

Scanning the customer's receipt

You can scan your customer's receipt in the register or the Sales History page.

  • Scanning the receipt on Retail POS

    To scan your customer's receipt at the register:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Refund.
    2. In the Item field, scan your customer's receipt.

    You can now select the item(s) to refund.

    To scan your customer's receipt on the Sales History page:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Sales history.

      Sales page with Sales history emphasized.

    2. In the search bar, scan your customer's receipt.

      Search bar of Sales history page.

    3. Click Refund or exchange.

      Sale selected, with Refund or exchange emphasized.

    You can now select the item(s) to refund.

  • Scanning the receipt on iPad

    To scan your customer's receipt:

    1. Navigate to the Sales tab.
    2. Tap the magnifying glass icon.

      Sales page with magnifying glass icon emphasized.

    3. Scan your customer's receipt.

Searching by sale number (iPad only)

If your customer's receipt is not scannable but you have the receipt number, you can enter this to find the transaction.

  1. Navigate to the Sales tab.
  2. In the Search field, enter the last 3 digits of the sale number as listed on the receipt.

Searching by customer name

If your customer doesn't have their receipt, we recommend searching for your customer by name.

  • Searching by customer name on Retail POS

    To search for your customer by name:

    1. Navigate to Sales > Refund.
    2. In the Customer field, type your customer's name or another searchable detail.
    3. Click Search.
      • If your search has a unique match, the customer will be attached to the refund automatically.
      • If your search returns multiple results, click + Attach to Sale next to the correct customer account.

        Multiple customer results with option to Attach To Sale.

    4. Click Edit.

      Sale with customer attached and Edit option emphasized.

    5. Click Sales.

      Customer page with Sales emphasized.

    6. Optionally, search for the item in the Item Search field.
    7. Click the ID number next to the sale.

      List of sales with specific sale ID emphasized.

    8. Click Refund.

      Customer sale page with Refund emphasized.

    You can now select the item(s) to refund.
  • Searching by customer name on iPad

    To search for your customer by name:

    1. Navigate to the Sales tab.
    2. In the Search field, type your customer's name.
    3. Optionally, you can filter by location, Register, or Status.
        • By location: Select All locations and choose your location.
        • By Register: Select Register and choose your register.
        • By Status: Select Status and choose the sale status.

      Sales page with All locations, Register, Status, and search bar emphasized.

Searching by item (Retail POS only)

If your customer doesn't have their receipt or a matching sale in their customer account, we recommend searching for the item itself.

To search for the sale by item:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Lines.

    Reports page with Lines emphasized.

  2. Optionally, search for the item in the Item Search field.

    Sales Lines page with Search field and options emphasized.

    • If you're having trouble finding the item, you can narrow your search by selecting Advanced and editing your search options further.
  3. Click the sale ID in the ID column.

    List of matching sales with specific sale ID emphasized.

  4. Click Refund.

    Sale page with Refund emphasized.

You can now select the item(s) to refund.

Selecting items to refund

In the Refund tab of the sale, select the item(s) to refund.

  • Selecting items on Retail POS

    To select the item(s) being refunded:

    1. Click Refund next to each item being refunded.

      Refund tab with Refund options emphasized.

    2. Optionally, leave a receipt note and/or internal note about the return.

      Refund tab with notes left regarding the return.

    3. If your item is serialized, the serial number will display. To remove it, click Remove.

      Refund tab with serialized item added and Remove option emphasized.

    You can now process the refund payment.

  • Selecting items on iPad

    To select the item(s) being refunded:

    1. Tap Refund.

      Sale with Refund option emphasized.

    2. Select the item(s) to be refunded.

      List of items in the sale with item selected for refund.

    3. Tap Refund.

Adding items to exchange (optional)

If during the refund your customer wants to purchase items as well, you can create an exchange by adding items to the Sale tab. The register will calculate the difference between the Sale and Refund tab and clearly display whether you owe your customer a refund (sale Total is a negative value) or your customer has a balance to pay (sale Total is a positive value).

  • Exchanging items on Retail POS

    To add the item(s) to the refund:

    1. Click on the Sale tab.

      Refund page with Sale tab emphasized.

    2. Add the item(s) by searching or scanning the barcode(s).

      Sale page with Item search field emphasized.

  • Exchanging items on iPad

    To add the item(s) to the refund:

    1. Tap the magnifying glass icon.
    2. Search for the item.
    3. Tap + Add to sale.

      List of items with Add to sale option for selected item.

Your Total will automatically adjust to include the item(s) being purchased and the item(s) being refunded. For an equivalent exchange, your total should read $0.00.

If your total is $0.00, click Payment and then Finish Sale to finalize the exchange.

If your total is not $0.00, finish processing the payment.

Processing the payment

If your exchange's Total has a positive value, you can simply process the payment as you would when making a sale. On Retail POS, the Payment section will be green.

Refund transaction with positive total and green Payments section.

If your refund's or exchange's Total has a negative value, the refunded amount may be subject to certain restrictions based on:

  • the payment type(s) and amount(s) on the original transaction.
  • the Refund As setting for each payment type, found under Settings > Payment Types.

On Retail POS, the Refund section will be orange.

Refund transaction with negative total and orange Refund section.

If you are refunding from the original transaction and it was paid for by credit card, depending on your payment processor and the time elapsed since the transaction took place, you may see the original credit card used to pay for the transaction displayed as a payment type to refund to. Selecting this card and completing the refund transaction automatically sends the funds back to the card.

The payment processor Tyro does not support refunding directly back to the card that was originally used for the transaction. Instead, select that you are refunding to a credit card and swipe/enter the credit card in question.

Refunding to a debit card is not possible with most payment processors. If the original transaction was paid for by debit, you will have to refund to a different payment type, such as cash.

What's next?

Voiding a sale

Understand how to permanently void a transaction.

Learn more

Refunding to store credit

Learn about refunding a sale to a customer's store credit account.

Learn more

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