Refunding is the typical way to reverse a transaction while maintaining a record of both the sale and the return. However, there may be circumstances where you need to completely cancel the transaction before it processes or if an error has occurred.
Voids are final and cannot be undone.
Understanding voiding
Typically, a refund occurs after a transaction is complete and payment has been processed. You may process a refund if a customer returns a damaged item, a duplicate transaction is processed, or other circumstances where the transaction needs to be reversed.
A void sale typically happens before a payment has processed or if an erroneous or fraudulent transaction has occurred. Voiding a sale:
- Removes the sale and payment from Retail POS, including Sales history
- Returns the item to inventory
- Adds the void sale to the Voids report
Voiding a sale does not return money to a customer's card.
Voided sales will not appear in any sales reports or customers records, but will still be visible in the Voids report.
Voiding in-progress sales
Removing a Lightspeed Payments or Vantiv triPOS payment from an in progress sale will void the in-progress transaction and refund your customer's card. Once the transaction has been completed, sales processed through Lightspeed Payments or Vantiv triPOS can no longer be voided. To return items to inventory and refund your customer's card, you must refund the sale instead of voiding it.
If you're using Cayan for a sale paid by credit card and the sale was voided within 25 minutes of the transaction, no refund is necessary as the card will not be charged. Timelines are subject to change, contact your payment processor for details.
Voiding a sale
- Navigate to Reports > Totals.
- Click the ID of the sale to be voided.
- On the side menu, click Void Sale.
- Review the Important notice. Voids are final and cannot be undone.
- Enter the Reason for Voiding.
- Click Void Sale.