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Managing multi-location sales

If your business has multiple locations can move sales between these locations. This means you can start a sale or take special orders and layaways at one location, and complete those sales at another. You are able to deduct inventory from the store that completed the sale to keep your records accurate.

Moving sales

  1. Complete the steps for creating a new sale. For instructions, follow the steps found in our Making a sale article, but don't process the payment.
  2. Switch to location B and navigate to Sales.
  3. Locate the sale you wish to continue in location B from the list under Recent activity.

    Sales in this list will have the last location where the sale was updated and the user who made the last update listed beside the sale number. 

  4. Click the cart icon beside the sale to continue to the sales screen.
    Sale screen with recent activity section highlighted.
  5. A pop-up modal will prompt you to choose which location the inventory for this sale will be removed from. We recommend you remove inventory from the location that is completing the sale to maintain accurate records.
    Pop-up explaining where inventory will be deducted from.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Take payment and complete the sale as usual.

Moving layaway sales and special orders

There may be cases where a customer starts a layaway or special order in one location, but another location will fulfill the order. For these cases, you can complete the sale and remove inventory from the location where the sale is completed.

  1. Complete the steps for creating a layaway or a special order. Follow our Creating a layaway or Creating a special order guides for detailed instructions.
  2. Leave the layaway or special order in progress and switch to location B. 
  3. Navigate to Sales and locate the sale you wish to continue in location B from the list under Recent activity.

    Sales in this list will have the last location where the sale was updated and the user who made the last update listed beside the sale number. 

  4. Click the cart icon beside the sale to continue to the sales screen.
    Sale screen with recent activity section highlighted.
  5. Click the Lay-by or Special Order tab then click Complete to move the items to a sale.
  6. A pop-up modal will prompt you to choose which location the inventory  for this sale will be removed from. We recommend you remove inventory from the location that is completing the sale to maintain accurate records.
    Pop-up explaining where inventory will be deducted from.
  7. Click Confirm.
  8.  Take payment and complete the sale as usual.


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