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Translating or renaming matrix variants

You can translate or rename matrix attribute names and matrix variant titles. Matrix attribute names are a group of variants, like size or color. Matrix variant titles are the variants themselves, like a large size or a blue color.

The steps to rename a variant are the same as translating. To learn how to rename, follow the translating steps in this article.

The prerequisites and instructions to completely translate your eCom store depend on your preferred main language. Your preferred main language is the common language you use to write your item titles and other content in your Retail account.

Preferred main language Prerequisite articles Required parts to translate
  1. Adding languages to eCom
  1. Variant titles of other languages
Not English
  1. Verifying the connected language
  2. Adding languages to eCom
  1. Matrix attribute names
  2. Variant titles of the connected language
  3. Variant titles of other languages

Translating or renaming the matrix attribute names

  1. From your Retail account, select Inventory.
  2. Select Matrix attribute sets, located under INVENTORY MAINTENANCE.
  3. Select New Matrix Attribute Set
  4. Enter a set name. This will help you identify the set later.
  5. Select the number of attributes.
  6. Enter the attribute names.
  7. Select Save changes.
  8. Go to Inventory and select Item search.
  9. Select the COMMON DESCRIPTION of a matrix.
  10. Choose the new matrix attribute name by selecting it from the menu under Matrix type.
  11. Select Save changes. Repeat these steps for all matrices that require translated matrix attribute names.

Translating or renaming variant titles of the connected language

  1. From your Retail account, select Inventory Matrix.
  2. Select the COMMON DESCRIPTION of a matrix.
  3. In the table on the right-hand side of the screen, edit the attribute variant(s).
  4. Select Save changes. Repeat these steps for all other matrices that require translated variants.

Translating or renaming variant titles of other languages

You can do this for individual products or by import.


When editing individually, preserve the position and presence of the quotations, comma(s) and colons. They are important to ensuring your drop down menus appear and operate properly. The naming convention specifies the title, quantity and position of your attribute drop downs in your eCom product page: "Attribute 1: Variant Name","Attribute 2: Variant Name",”Attribute 3: Variant Name” For example: "Volume: 1.0 litre","Color: Blue".

  1. From your eCom admin, go to Products.
  2. Select a product title.
  3. Scroll down to INVENTORY & VARIANTS and select a variant title.
  4. In the first default language tab, copy the variant title to obtain the full naming convention.
  5. Select another language or select the all languages button.
  6. Paste the default title.
  7. Translate the attribute (ex:color) and variant name (ex:blue). Make sure to not change or remove any commas, quotations and colons.
  8. Repeat for all languages.
  9. Select Save.
  10. Repeat for all variants.

By import

  1. Create a product export in Tools > Exports.
  2. Create a seperate import file that is different from your export file in Google Sheets or other spreadsheet software. Copy these column titles into your import file:
    Internal_ID Internal_Variant_ID XX_Title_Short XX_Title_Long XX_Variant
  3. Duplicate the last three columns a number of times equal to the number of languages you have in your eCom store. For example, if you have 2 languages, you'd have:
    Internal_ID Internal_Variant_ID XX_Title_Short XX_Title_Long XX_Variant XX_Title_Short XX_Title_Long  XX_Title_Short 
  4. Replace the XX placeholders with the language placeholders from the language table. For example, if you have English (US) and Dutch, then you'd have:
    Internal_ID Internal_Variant_ID US_Title_Short US_Title_Long US_Variant NL_Title_Short NL_Title_Long NL_Title_Short
  5. Copy all the internal IDs and product titles from your product export and paste them in your import file.
  6. Add the translations for each language.
  7. Import the spreadsheet in Tools > Imports.

Read Editing products through import for general importing instructions.

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