If needed, you can manually enter a customer's credit card information on the terminal or in Retail POS with Lightspeed Payments for over-the-phone payments or if the card has been damaged and can't be read.
Processing a credit card manually offers less protection against chargebacks and incurs higher fees than processing a card normally. You should only use manual entry when necessary.
Manually processing cards
- Start a sale in Retail POS.
- Click Payment > Credit/Debit (desktop) or More Payments > Credit Card (iPad).
- By default, the Enter Charge Amount field is set to the remaining balance of the sale. Optionally, modify the amount.
Click Manual Entry.
If you process manual payments through the terminal, enter the credit card number and expiry date on the terminal and press enter. When the payment amount appears on the screen, you can confirm the amount or cancel the payment. The customer may need to sign and tap the Done button.
- Enter the amount, name on the card, and the postal or zip code for the cardholder.
- Click Enter Card Details (desktop) or Next (iPad).
- Enter the card number, expiry date, and CVC.
- Click Start Payment (desktop) or Take payment (iPad).
- If the customer's card has the required funds, you will see a Payment Approved notification. Click Back to Sale.
- You'll be returned to the Sale screen and the approved payment will be displayed in the payment screen.
- Click Finish Sale to complete the transaction.