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Managing employee data

Employee records can be updated, exported, archived or deleted based on your needs. Lightspeed Retail gives you direct access to everything you need to comply with privacy laws.

Modifying employee data

In Lightspeed Retail, you can easily modify your employee data to comply with employee privacy requests.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.

    Settings page with Employee Setup emphasized.

  2. Optionally, use the available fields and click Search to refine your results.
  3. Click the name of the employee whose details you need to modify.

    List of employees.

  4. From the Details section, modify your employee's personal data in the requested fields.
  5. Click Save Changes.

    Employee page, with Save Changes emphasized.

Your employee's personal data is now officially modified in your Retail account.

If you have an eCom store connected to your Retail inventory, you'll also need to modify your employee's data in your eCom store. Similarly, if you've integrated your Retail account with one of our partners, you'll need to contact the partner directly to learn what data they have and complete your modification request.

Exporting employee data

In Lightspeed Retail, you can export your employee data to make bulk updates, comply with privacy requests, and create an offline backup.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.
  2. Optionally, use the available fields and click Search to refine your results.
  3. Click Export.

    List of employees, with Export button emphasized.

A .CSV file of your employee data will download to your computer.

If you are sharing this information with a specific employee, we recommend double-checking that you've removed all personal data that doesn't pertain to them before giving them access to the .CSV file.

If you have a Lightspeed eCom store connected to your Retail inventory, you'll also need to export your employee's data from your eCom store. Similarly, if you've integrated your Retail account with one of our partners, you'll need to contact the partner directly to learn what data they have and complete your request.

Archiving an employee

Since your Retail account's employee limit is based on your Lightspeed Retail plan, archiving an old employee is a helpful way to reallocate their headcount to a new employee.

Archiving an employee is a reversible action.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.
  2. Optionally, type your employee's name into the Employees field and/or select a role from the All Roles drop-down list, then click Search.
  3. Click your employee's name.
  4. Click Archive.

    Employee page with Archive emphasized.

  5. Click OK.

The archived employee will no longer be able to log in, clock in, unlock the register, or complete sales.

Finding an archived employee

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.
  2. Click the checkbox marked Show Archived.

    List of employees, with Show Archived option emphasized.

  3. Click Search.

Archived employees will now be visible in your employee list, highlighted in gray.

Un-archiving an employee

  1. Locate the employee using the steps outlined above under Finding an archived employee.
  2. Click the employee's name.
  3. Click Un-Archive.

    Employee page with Un-Archive emphasized.

  4. Click OK.

The employee's account will now be visible again in your employee list. The employee will be able to log in, clock in, unlock registers, and complete sales.

Deleting employee data

You can delete employee data to comply with employee privacy requests. You'll need the following employee permissions to enable this feature:

  • Settings - Basic
  • Settings - Employee Setup
  • Settings - Employee Account Deletion

Deleting an employee is an irreversible action.

Before deleting an employee's data, we recommend that you:

  • Confirm the identity of your employee before completing their privacy requests.
  • Identify any potential reason why, as a Retail account owner, you might need to keep some of the personal data that your employee is requesting to delete (e.g. for tax, regulatory or payment processing/chargeback reasons).

To delete an employee's data:

  1. Follow the steps above to Archive an employee.
  2. Click Delete Account.

    Employee page with Delete Account emphasized.

  3. A warning will appear noting that deleting an employee profile will remove all links where the employee is attached, remove their profile page, and keep all activity linked to the employee with an anonymized identifier. Deleting an employee cannot be undone. Once you've read and understood the warning, check the checkbox.

    Pop-up warning about consequences of account deletion.

  4. Click Delete this account.
  5. Click Return to employee setup.

    Pop-up with option to Return to employee setup.

The employee account is officially deleted from your employee list and anonymized in your entire Retail account.

If you have a Lightspeed eCom store connected to your Retail inventory, you'll also need to delete your employee's data from your eCom store. Similarly, if you've integrated your Retail account with one of our partners, you'll need to contact the partner directly to learn what data they have and complete the deletion.

What's next?

Setting login credentials and access settings

Set up login credentials for your employees.

Learn more

Setting up employee roles and access

Group and limit levels of access in your account.

Learn more

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