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Publishing items in eCom (C-Series)

A Retail account with eCom can publish up to 15,000 items to eCom and a maximum of 100 variants per matrix. These variants count towards the 15,000 items maximum. With the Automatically publish to eCom checkbox in Settings General Options, you can also set whether or not new Retail items are published to eCom automatically. Once in eCom, their online visibility is set to hidden by default. Your eCom subscription controls how many of them you can make visible. For more information on managing the visibility of your products in eCom, click here.

In your Retail account, you can publish items in three ways:

  1. Individually
  2. In bulk
  3. By import


This video explains how to publish items individually and in bulk, as well as how to delete items from eCom, which is explained in Deleting items from eCom:


See the video from [00:00 - 01:22]

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory.
  2. Click the item description of an item you want to publish to eCom.
  3. From left menu section Details, select the Publish to eCom checkbox and click the blue Save Changes button.

    NOTE: Depending on if you've reached your publishing limit of items or your matrix limit of 100 variants, you will see the warnings below:

In bulk

See the video from [02:47 - 03:36]

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory Quick Edits.
  2. From one of the drop-downs, select Publish to eCom and click the blue Search button.

  3. From the PUBLISH TO ECOM column, select your item's checkbox to publish it to your eCom store. You can also click the column header to group your published and unpublished items together.

    NOTE: Depending on if you've reached your publishing limit of items or your matrix limit of 100 variants, you will see the warnings below:

By import

  1. From the main menu, click Inventory > Item Search.
  2. Make the products to be published visible in the results, using filters if required. Then at the top of the results on the right-hand side of the screen, click Export.
    Shows an arrow pointing to the export button on the right-hand side screen.
  3. Save your file in an easy to find location on your computer.
  4. Open the saved file in your preferred spreadsheet software.
    Shows the starting version of the spreadsheet.
  5. Highlight and delete all unnecessary products. This prevents you from publishing products accidentally.
    1. Highlight by selecting the row number(s) on the left-hand side of the spreadsheet.
    2. Delete by right clicking and selecting Delete row.
  6. Locate the Publish to eCom column and copy/paste Yes for every product.
  7. Remove all unnecessary columns. This ensures only the required product details are affected by the import.

    To publish products from eCom by import, the only necessary columns are:

    1. System ID
    2. Publish to eCom

    To remove the unnecessary columns:

    1. Highlight by clicking the column letter(s) at the top of the spreadsheet.
    2. Delete by right clicking and selecting Delete column.

      Final result:

      Shows the finished version of the spreadsheet.


  8. Save the spreadsheet in an easy to find location.
  9. From the main menu of Lightspeed Retail, click Inventory > Import Items.
    Shows an arrow pointing to the Import Items button.
  10. Click Close if a popup window appears.
  11. Click New Import.
  12. Click Choose file, locate and Open the spreadsheet.
  13. Ensure the number of items your importing equals the number of items shown.
    Shows an arrow pointing to the number of items in the import.
  14. For Select import method, choose update existing items only.
  15. Ensure Match on field is set to System ID.
  16. Select Review import.
  17. Scroll through the ITEM PREVIEW and ensure the only field with content is the Publish to eCom field says Yes.
    Shows 'yes' in the Publish to eCom preview field.
  18. Select Import items.
  19. When the import is complete, test to ensure all intended products have been published to eCom.

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