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Setting sales taxes

When you sign in to a Retail account for the first time, the sales tax you set in the Welcome page determines the sales tax of your first location. We say "first" location because if you're a multi-store Retailer, you'll need to add your other locations and set their sales taxes to meet your business needs. For this reason, we've provided helpful instructions for single-store and multi-store Retail accounts.


  • Setting sales taxes in a single-store account

    To set your sales tax in a single-store Retail account, its helpful to think of your Retail account as a filing cabinet with a drawer for your location.


    When you log in to a Retail account (filing cabinet) for the first time, the sales tax you set in the Getting Started Wizard determines the sales tax of your location (drawer). This sales tax in turn determines the default tax rate to apply when you ring up taxable items at your location.

    E.g. If your Retail account (filing cabinet) is called "Shop of Things", your location (drawer) is in New York, and your locations sales tax is set to 8.875%, then all your taxable items are taxed at 8.875%.


    If you need multiple sales tax for your location, you can create them and either apply them ahead of time in your settings or on the fly during a sale.

    E.g. If you're a Retailer located in the Unites States and you have customers who purchase items over the phone from a different state, you'll need to create an Out-of-State sales tax.

    Add a sales tax

    1. From the main menu, click Settings Sales Taxes.
    2. Click + New Sales Tax.
    3. Enter a tax name.
    4. Enter a tax rate.
    5. Click Save Changes.


    Set a sales tax in your location settings

    1. From the main menu, click Settings > Locations.
    2. Click Customize.
    3. From the submenu, click Settings.
    4. From the Sales Tax drop-down, select a sales tax.
    5. Click Save Changes.


    Set a sales tax in a sale

    1. From an in progress sale, click Set Tax.
    2. From the Tax drop-down, select a sales tax.
    3. Click Save Sales Tax.


  • Setting sales taxes in a multi-store account

    To set your sales taxes in a multi-store Retail account, its helpful to think of your Retail account as a filing cabinet with a drawer for each location.


    When you log in to a Retail account for the first time, the sales tax you set in the Getting Started Wizard determines the sales tax of your first location. To determine the sales taxes of your other locations, you need to manually add your locations and set a sales tax for each of them. Its these sales tax settings that in turn determine the default tax rate to apply when you ring up taxable items at your different locations.

    E.g. If your Retail account (filing cabinet) is called "Shop of Things", you have locations (drawers) in both New York and Austin, and your locations's sales taxes are set to 8.875% and 8.25% respectively, then all your taxable items will be taxed at 8.875% in New York and 8.25% in Austin.


    If you need multiple sales taxes for a location, you can create them and either apply them ahead of time in your settings or on the fly during a sale. You can also set sales taxes in customer accounts and customer types to make sure that specific customers are automatically taxed correctly.

    E.g. If you're a Retailer located in the Unites States and you have customers who purchase items over the phone from a different state, you'll need to create an Out-of-State sales tax. This way, you can tax these customers correctly by setting the Out-of-State sales tax in their sales, in their customer accounts or in their customer types.

    Add sales taxes

    1. From the main menu, click Settings Sales Taxes.
    2. Click + New Sales Tax.
    3. Enter a tax name.
    4. Enter a tax rate.
    5. Click Save Changes.
    6. Repeat the above steps until you've added all the sales taxes you need for all your shops.


    Set sales taxes in your location settings

    1. From the main menu, click Settings > Locations.
    2. Click Customize next to a location in the list.
    3. From the left menu, click Settings.
    4. From the Sales Tax drop-down, select a sales tax.
    5. Click Save Changes.
    6. Repeat the above steps until you've set a sales tax for all your locations.


    Set a sales tax in a sale

    1. From an in progress sale, click Set Tax.
    2. From the Tax drop-down, select a sales tax.
    3. Click Save Sales Tax.



  • What's next?


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