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Configuring your payment processing

In Lightspeed Retail, configure your payment processing with an integrated payment processor supported in your region.

Before you begin, you'll need to have an account with one integrated payment processor and purchase a supported credit card terminal or card swiper.

Non-integrated processors will not be connected to Retail POS. During a sale, you'll enter an amount on your terminal or card swiper, process the card, and manually record the amount paid by card in Retail POS.

Gathering payment processing credentials

Depending on your payment processor and region, you may need to get the credentials below and enter them in Retail POS. You can get them from your payment processor account or by contacting your payment processor.

Payment processors

Vantiv triPOS (US)

For Vantiv triPOS (US), these are the credentials you may need to enter in Retail POS:

  • Acceptor ID
  • Account ID
  • Account Token
Cayan (US)

For Cayan (US), these are the credentials you may need to enter in Retail POS:

  • Name
  • Transaction Key
  • Site ID
Mercury Payment Services (US)

For Mercury Payment Services (US), these are the credentials you may need to enter in Retail POS:

  • Swiped Entry ID
  • Swiped Entry Password
  • Manual Entry ID
  • Manual Entry Password
Tyro (Australia)

For Tyro (Australia), these are the credentials you may need to enter in Retail POS:

  • Username
  • Password
BNP (Belgium) and Concardis (Switzerland)

For BNP (Belgium) and Concardis (Switzerland), these are the credentials you may need to enter in Retail POS:

  • Merchant ID
  • Secret key

This is not applicable to Zettle (France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, and UK) or Worldline (Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg).

Integrating your payment processor with Retail POS

These instructions provide an overview of how to integrate your payment processing. For instructions specific to your payment processor and hardware, refer to your payment processor's documentation and hardware manual.

      1. In Retail POS, navigate to Settings > Payment Processing.
      2. Click Add a Payment Gateway.

        Add a Payment Gateway button.

      3. From the Gateway dropdown, select your payment processor.

        Select a Gateway dropdown for selecting a payment processor.

      4. If applicable, enter the POS credentials from your payment processor in the Gateway Credentials and Receipt Details sections.

        Gateway Credentials details fields.

      5. For multi-store accounts, under Select Shops, select all the stores to which you want to apply the gateway.

        Select Shops section with active stores checkbox.

      6. If applicable, under Security Options, enable the Allow Credits checkbox to allow refunds to credit or debit cards if a customer doesn't have an invoice.

        When you do this type of refund, you must swipe the card for the refund to take effect. Manually entering credit or debit card numbers is not supported.

        Security Options section with Allow credits checkbox.

      7. If applicable, under Allow Partial Approvals, enable the Allow Partial Approvals checkbox if you want to partially approve payments and charge the maximum available amount if your customer's card has insufficient funds to cover the full payment.

        Allow Partial Approvals section with checkbox.

      8. Under Credit Card Payment Mapping, select a display name for each credit and debit card type. The option you select will display on invoices and sales reports. For example, if you created a custom Visa payment type, selecting it from the Visa list will mark all Visa sales as "Visa".

        If you want to change the names of cards in Credit Card Payment Mapping, you need to first set up the credit card payment type in Settings > Payment Types, so the Credit/ Debit button displays in Retail POS.

        Credit Card Payment Mapping section with card type options and dropdowns.

      9. Click Save.

        Save button.

      10. Sign out of Retail POS, sign back in, and verify the changes.

Testing your payment processing

After you configure a payment processor and set up your card reader or terminal, test your integrated credit card processing by charging your credit card a minimal amount and then voiding the charge.

When using certain gateways, removing a payment from an in-progress sale will void it and refund the debit or credit card. However, voiding a completed sale will delete the sale and its associated payment from your reporting but won't refund the debit or credit card. To return items to inventory and officially refund your card, refund the sale instead of voiding it.

      1. In Retail POS, navigate to Sales > New Sale.
      2. Click the Misc menu button to add a miscellaneous charge.
      3. Enter 0.05 in the Price field.
      4. Ensure the Tax checkbox is unchecked.
      5. Click Save.
      6. Click Payment > Credit/Debit.
      7. Process a credit card at your terminal or card swiper.
      8. Click Finish Sale.
      9. From the main menu, click Reports > All Transactions.
      10. Click the ID number for the 0.05 transaction.
      11. Click the Void Sale tab.
      12. Click Void Sale.
      13. A confirmation message displays. To proceed with voiding the sale, click Void Sale.

Viewing your payment details

Viewing the Details section of credit card payments helps to understand how payments were collected. Having this information on hand is also helpful in the event of a credit card dispute. The Details section of credit card payments is designed to include the following:

      • Payment Summary: Main information of the completed payment, like Payment Type and Customer.
      • Transaction Details: Detailed information about the integrated payment, like Card Type and Cardholder Name.
      • Customer Signature: Customer's digital signature that authorized the integrated payment.
      • Gateway Response: Integrated payment communication code to better understand and troubleshoot the response returned from the gateway.

To view the payment Details of a transaction:

      1. In Retail POS, navigate to Reports.
      2. From the Payments section, click Received.
      3. From the payment type dropdown, select Credit Card or Debit Card.

        If you created custom payment types for your gateway's Credit Card Payment Mapping, your payment type names may vary.

      4. Optionally, enter other search criteria and adjust the available filters to refine your search.
      5. Click Search.
      6. To open a payment, click the blue ID number.
      7. From the left menu, click Details.

Payment details.

Depending on your payment processor, some fields may vary.

What's next?

Setting up your third-party payment processing

Learn about payment processing on iPad and desktop.

Learn more

Configuring Lightspeed Payments

Manage your Lightspeed Payments gateway.

Learn more

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