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Important considerations about product information in Lightspeed Retail POS (R-Series)

This topic highlights what is and isn't transferred to your eCom store (inventory) from Lightspeed Retail, and also some considerations you'll need to take into account before installing Lightspeed eCom.

What is and isn't transferred to eCom from Retail

The following product information is transferred to eCom.

Retail Item Property eCom Product equivalent
Item Description Title
Item Description Full title
Default Price Price
in-Stock Quantity
Category Category
Images Images
Brand Brand
UPC Barcode
EAN Barcode
(ONLY in the event that the UPC field for the item in Lightspeed Retail is blank.)
Manufacturer SKU SKU
Custom SKU Article Code

The following item properties are not uploaded to eCom.

Retail Item Property
Product IDs
Product Custom Fields
Pricing levels other than Online

Create products in Retail

Once integrated, product creation is performed in Retail only. This is because omnichannel pushes new product data in one direction only, from Retail to eCom.

NOTE: Sales transactions from eCom, however, are pushed back to Retail and inventory levels are adjusted accordingly.

Additional Resources

If you are not familiar with how to create items in Retail, refer to the following Retail help articles:

Product pricing level

  • The pricing level used by eCom is the Default pricing level rather than the pricing level associated with the Retail store being used for eCom.
  • If an Online pricing level is specified for a product, then this specified pricing level is used instead of the Default pricing level. If the Online pricing level is $0, the Default pricing level is used.
  • When connected to Retail, the product variant's price can only be modified in Retail. If a merchant wishes to show a strike through price for a variant, they can enter an old price in eCom.

Brand names

When you create brands in your Retail account, they are pushed to your eCom store. When creating a brand in Retail, the following rules apply when entering a name:

  • Brand names must contain a maximum of 255 characters.
  • UTF-8 characters are supported (click here for a list).
  • When adding a brand, Retail does a case insensitive search of the name to avoid duplicates (e.g. If Lightspeed already exists, LIGHTSPEED or lightspeed can't be added).
  • Leading and trailing whitespace in a brand name are removed.

These rules are designed to avoid duplicate names, prevent formatting errors and ensure consistency between your Retail and eCom brands.

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