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January product updates


What's new in Lightspeed Retail (R-Series)

Lightspeed Retail POS (R-Series)


Applying discounts and shipment fees to purchase orders


You can now split discounts or shipping costs evenly or proportionally in the Costs section of your purchase orders. This update allows for flexibility in how you want to split charges or discounts, ensuring a more accurate average cost.

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Choose what’s included on itemized gift receipts


You can choose which items in a sale to include on a gift receipt, streamlining your customer checkout experience and ensuring gift receipts only show items that were purchased as gifts.

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Improved experience for serialized item sales

When removing serial numbers from sale line items, the Remove button disappears once clicked to limit errors in the sale due to multiple clicks.


Notification for negative inventory during sales

When adding an item to a sale or increasing the quantity of a line item that would result in negative inventory, the warning message stays on screen until dismissed. This helps you keep track of inventory during sales and ensures negative inventory sales aren’t missed.


Login authentication updates

Updates to the login authentication process means a smoother login experience and no unexpected logouts.


Age restricted items update


If an age restricted item can't be added to the sale due to an incorrect PIN, a dialogue box will show the reason why and a prompt to try again or return to the sale. This leads to less confusion in the checkout experience for age restricted items and more visibility for sales staff and customers when adding these items to a sale.


Improved gift card export file

The gift card export is now generated from the gift card page for a more streamlined gift experience when managing gift cards. This export includes additional information on the gift card status, where it was purchased, the transaction ID, when it was last used, and in the case of online gift cards, the recipient’s email address.

Learn more about gift cards

Lightspeed Financial Services


Unified experience for Financial services


Manage your Lightspeed Payments and Lightspeed Capital from the new overhauled Financial Services page. All Capital interactions, payment links, payouts, applications, and reporting will now be managed through the merchant portal for a more unified experience. In addition, multi-location merchants can apply for Lightspeed Payments for multiple locations with one application through the in-app self serve option.

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Processing payments in Standalone mode with Lightspeed Payments


With standalone mode, you can choose to process payments on your Smart Terminal (WisePOS E) without creating a sale in Retail POS for more flexibility in the daily operation of your business. Standalone payments are reported exclusively in the Payment transactions in the merchant portal, allowing you to choose how to account for standalone sales in a way that best suits your business.

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Tipping on the terminal with Lightspeed Payments

Retail-Payments_terminal tipping-toggle.png

The new Tipping setting in Financial services features the option to enable tipping on the terminal for Lightspeed Payments customers using the Smart Terminal (WisePOS E). Enable or disable tip prompts on the terminal and set default tip amounts in percentage or currency units.

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Email Lightspeed Payments links to credit account customers


Email account statements to your customers right from the Customer account page. Merchants using Lightspeed Payments can send an email invoice with a secure payment link customers can use to pay their invoice. This allows for greater flexibility and convenience for you and your customers.

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Lightspeed eCom (C-Series)


Improvements to Omni sync for Retail merchants with eCom (C-Series)

Employee, register, and tax details can no longer be edited for omni orders. This means fewer sync issues for Retail merchants with eCom (C-Series) and a smoother online sales process.

Learn more about managing sales in eCom


New DMARC authentication options for eCom (C-Series)

As part of new DMARC authentication regulations, merchants will need to add additional DNS records to their domain provider in order to verify they own the domain and are authorized to send emails using it.

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