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Managing purchase orders

Once you have created a purchase order and added items to the order, you can manage its status, plus track and edit shipment information.

Understanding purchase order statuses

Lightspeed Retail has color-coded statuses so you can quickly sort through the Purchase Order list and view an order's status at a glance.

To access the Purchase Orders list, navigate to Inventory > Purchase Orders.

List of purchase orders, showing differently-colored statuses.

  • Light gray: Purchase orders with the light gray Open status have been created, but not ordered.
  • Yellow: Purchase orders with the yellow Ordered status have been ordered through the vendor, but the shipment hasn't been received.
  • Red: Purchase orders with the red Check In status are currently being received. The purchase order is open, and ordered items have not been checked in or added to inventory.
  • Green: Purchase orders with the green Check In status have been received. Ordered items have been checked in and added to the inventory.
  • Dark gray: Purchase orders with the dark gray Finished status have been marked as completed.

Changing and updating purchase order status

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Purchase Orders.

    Inventory screen, with Purchase Orders button emphasized.

  2. Find the purchase order in the list and click it.

    • To filter the list by vendor, click into the All Vendors drop-down, select the desired vendor, and click Search.
    • To filter the list by shop, click Advanced, click into the Location drop-down, select your shop, and click Search.

    List of all Purchase Orders, with All Vendors, Advanced, and Location highlighted.

  3. Click the status button to change the status.
    1. Alternatively, you can click the Status drop-down and select the new status.

      Main purchase order screen, with Save Changes, Check In, and Status drop-down emphasized.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Archiving a purchase order

  1. Navigate to the purchase order you wish to archive.
  2. Click Archive.

    Main purchase order screen, with Archive button emphasized.

  3. A pop-up will ask if you are sure. Click OK.

The archived purchase order will no longer show up by default in your list of purchase orders. It will still be accessible and editable, and you can un-archive it at any time.

Un-archiving an archived purchase order

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Purchase Orders.
  2. Click the tickbox marked Show Archived.

    List of purchase orders, with Show Archived option emphasized.

  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the archived purchase order from the list.
  5. Click Un-Archive.

    Main purchase order screen, with Un-Archive button emphasized.

  6. A pop-up will ask if you are sure. Click OK.

Your purchase order will be un-archived and will again show up in your list of all purchase orders.

Tracking shipments

When a purchase order shipment has arrived, you can receive the items and add them to your inventory, repeating the process as necessary if additional shipments arrive.

Once a shipment has been received, it can be tracked using the Shipment History tab.

  1. Navigate to the purchase order you want to track the shipment history of.
  2. Click Shipment History.

    Main purchase order screen, with Shipment History emphasized.

The Order Information section includes the purchase order number, vendor, and purchase order reference number.

Shipment history page, with Order Information section emphasized.

The Order Overview section includes the quantity and subtotal for inventory that has been received and for the original order.

Shipment history page, with Order Overview section emphasized.

The shipment list displays each shipment that has been received, its status, the received date, the invoice due date, the quantity in that shipment, and the total.

This list can be filtered by date received or by invoice due date.

Shipment history page, with shipment list section emphasized.

Editing shipment information

After receiving purchase orders, you can edit some information for your records. You can add invoice dates and reference numbers, in addition to editing the quantity of items to correct counting errors or typos.

In the Shipment History tab, click the name of the shipment you wish to edit.

In the Shipment Information section, you can edit the status, date received, invoice due date, and shipment reference number. The vendor and item quantity received will be listed, but these cannot be edited.

Shipment history page for a single shipment, with Shipment Information section emphasized.

In the Total Cost Overview section, you can see the subtotal and total. You can edit the shipping cost to add shipping fees, which will automatically update the total.

Shipment history page for a single shipment, with Total Cost Overview section emphasized.

The item list displays the Vendor ID, item name, vendor cost, unit shipping, unit discount, unit cost, and total. The quantity received is also shown and can be edited.

Shipment history page for a single shipment, with item list section emphasized.

Adding shipping fees

You can capture fees specific to each shipment received by selecting a specific shipment on the Shipment History tab.

  1. Navigate to the Shipment History tab for the purchase order you want to record shipping costs for.
  2. Click on the name of the partial shipment.
  3. Enter the cost for the shipment in the Shipping cost field.

    Shipment history page for a single shipment, with Total Cost Overview section emphasized.

Updating the shipment cost on this page will automatically update the total for this shipment record. This will not automatically update the total for the entire purchase order.

Viewing shipment reports

In Retail POS, you can view a report of all your received shipments. You can use filters to refine your search and can print or export your report to a.csv, giving you greater visibility over all your purchase order shipments.

  1. Navigate to Reports.
  2. Under the Shipments section, click Received shipments.

    Reports page, with Received Shipments emphasized.

  3. Type in your item and/or filter your results.
    1. You can click Advanced to show more filters.

      List of all Received Shipments reports.

  4. Click Search.

You can click Print to print your results, or Export to export your results to a .CSV file.

List of all Received Shipments reports, with Print and Export options emphasized.

What's next?

Creating purchase orders

Create purchase orders to order items across multiple shops from an external vendor.

Learn more

Creating master orders

Create and manage purchase orders for multiple shops and vendors from one location.

Learn more

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