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Adding product images for your eCom (C-Series) store

An eCom store's products are incomplete without images. Customers need to be able to see what they are purchasing. In Retail and eCom you can curate up to 12 image per product. 

Your theme has recommended dimensions for product images. Learn how to crop and resize your images, here.

Read this article for details on:

Uploading images

In your Retail account, add images to items marked with Publish to eCom to upload them automatically.

Shows the Publish to eCom checkbox in the Retail POS item screen. An arrow hovers over the checkbox.

For instructions on:

  • Publishing items to eCom, click here.
  • Adding images to items in your Retail account, click here.
  • Uploading images directly to products in your eCom Back Office, without uploading them to your Retail account, click here.

Shows the inventory & variants section inside Lightspeed eCom. An arrow hovers over the icon to assign a product image. Matrix images

Assign images you've added to matrix items to their corresponding variants inside eCom. When the images are uploaded to eCom, they will be unassigned. This means your customers will not see the image change when they select a different variant.

For example, if you have a matrix with a blue and a black coloured t-shirts and 2 sizes, you would have 4 variants. You need to assign the red images to the red variants and the black images to the black variants.

For instructions on how to assign images to your variants, read Making images correspond to product variants.

Syncing product images

New product images uploaded to Retail are synced to eCom. Changes to item images in Retail are pushed to their corresponding products in eCom. However, subsequent updates in Retail do not update the images that have been deleted in eCom.

You can upload images for products directly in eCom but they are not pushed back to Retail. Any changes to product images in eCom are not pushed to their corresponding items in Retail.

  • Image quantity: up to 12 images.
  • File name: only use letters and numbers, no special characters.
  • Browser: use Firefox or Chrome.
  • For more image size and file type limits, click here.
  • For other visibility and syncing related information, click here.

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