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Resolving Verifone MX 915/925 connection errors

Most connection issues with the Verifone MX 915/925 are related to communication issues between the terminal and your device.

Initial network troubleshooting

Most connection problems are due to either problems with your physical set up, or your local network. Before troubleshooting your device, rule out possible network issues.

  • Follow the troubleshooting steps in Networking best practices to rule out common causes of connection problems.
  • Google search "speed test" and click RUN SPEED TEST. Upload and download speeds must be higher than 5 megabytes per second. POS systems require stable, higher-speed connections. Lower speeds can cause stability issues. Contact your internet service provider for assistance if your internet speeds are too low.

Running a connection test

Running a connection test will help determine if the issue is related to the device IP address or Cayan certificate.

  1. In your Retail account, go to Settings> Payment Processing.
  2. Click the name of your Credit Card Terminal under the correct payment gateway.
  3. Click Test Connection.

If the connection test fails, it is likely due to one of the following reasons:

  • The terminal's IP address is incorrect.
  • The Cayan certificate is not successfully installed in your browser.

See Setting up payment processing with Cayan's Verifone MX 915/925 terminal to ensure you're meeting these requirements.

Resolving possible IP address issues

Once you've confirmed a failed connection test with your terminal, follow the troubleshooting steps below:

  1. From the terminal's Genius by Cayan idle screen, enter 000 on the device's keypad.
  2. Enter the password 9416557.
  3. Make a note of the IP address.
  4. To return to the Genius by Cayan idle screen, press the red X (cancel) button.
  5. Open a new tab in your browser.


  6. Copy and paste the following URL: https://IPADDRESSHERE:8443/v2/pos?Action=Status&Format=JSON Replace the IPADDRESSHERE portion of the URL with the terminal's IP address.
  7. Press Enter. If successful, you'll receive the following message:
    { “Status” : “Online” , “CurrentScreen” : “00” , “ResponseMessage” :
    “ “ , “SerialNumber” : “285-410-122” , “ApplicationVersions” : “”,
    “OSVersion” : “RFS00190” , “AdditionalParameters”: {“PaymentDataCaptured”
    : “false”}}
  8. If you receive a connection is not private/not secure error, click Advanced > Proceed to IP Address (unsafe).

  9. Otherwise, from your Retail account, go to Settings > Payment Processing.

  10. Click on the name of the Terminal under the gateway you are testing.
  11. Make sure the IP address listed here matches the IP address recorded in step 3.
  12. Click Test Connection.

If successful, your terminal's status will be connected.

Confirming the Cayan security certificate is installed

Ensure that a Cayan security certificate is installed. To confirm, download and install the certificate.

What's next?

Setting up payment processing with Cayan's MX915 terminal

Get ready to sell with the Cayan MX915.

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Supported hardware

Confirm which hardware is supported when using Retail POS on desktop or iPad

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