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Syncing locations with eCom (E-Series)

When connecting locations to eCom (E-Series), the inventory of a connected location is synced with your eCom store so items can be purchased online. While Retail POS remains the source of truth for your inventory, whether you update inventory levels in Retail POS or make an online sale, stock is updated in both areas.

You can connect additional locations with eCom to offer more variety and flexible delivery and pickup options for your customers. You can also change your online offerings by disconnecting locations from eCom. After updating synced locations, the total quantity of products in eCom will be recalculated.

Connecting additional locations to eCom

Connecting additional locations to eCom allows you to offer more options and flexible delivery and pickup methods for your customers.

  1. In Retail POS, select eCom (E-Series) from the dropdown menu.


  2. In the eCom sidebar, click Other Channels > Lightspeed Retail POS.


  3. Scroll down to the Location settings and click the dropdown under Select locations for syncing. Check the locations you want to sync with eCom, then click out of the dropdown window.


  4. Under Select primary location for syncing, use the dropdown to select which location will be used as the default for shipping methods that aren’t connected to a specific location.
  5. Click Save.

Your online inventory levels will reflect items from all the locations you’ve connected to eCom.

Customizing your connections

If you’ve synced multiple locations to eCom, you can limit shipping by inventory and connect locations to shipping methods, meaning customers are restricted from choosing shipping options for items that are out of stock at the location that ships products to their area.

You can also customize shipping rules to restrict delivery and pickup methods connected to locations with insufficient inventory or choose to always allow customers to purchase items from any location.

Disconnecting locations from eCom

To disconnect a location from your eCom store:

  1. In Retail POS, select eCom (E-Series) from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the eCom sidebar, click Other Channels > Lightspeed Retail POS.
  3. Scroll down to the Location settings and click the dropdown under Select locations for syncing. Uncheck the locations you want to disconnect from eCom, then click out of the dropdown window.
  4. Click Save.

When you disconnect a location, its inventory will no longer be synced with eCom and will be subtracted from your online stock levels. If no items are left in stock, it will be labeled as Out of stock.

Shipping methods connected to locations will also be disconnected. You can manually re-enable them if you want to reconnect the location later.

What's next?

Adding shipping methods in eCom

Add and customize shipping methods for online orders.

Learn more

Setting up local delivery options for eCom

Offer customers in your area a convenient delivery option.

Learn more

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