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Receiving purchase orders exported from NuORDER


This integration is currently only available to certain merchants in the USA   



Once you've exported a purchase order from NuORDER to Retail POS, the first two steps have been completed for you. You then need to receive the purchase order in Retail POS:

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory > Purchase orders.
  2. Find the purchase order in the list and select it.

    Note: You can filter the list by vendor to locate the desired order.

  3. At the top of the order, select Check in, or select Check in from the Status drop-down.
  4. Check in your items by using one of the methods below:

    Method Instructions
    Scanning With the cursor in the Item search field, scan the item's barcode. Before scanning, you can enter the total units you wish to check in using the Quantity field.

    Note: The barcode must be stored in the item's details to use this method.

    Vendor ID With the cursor in the Item search field, scan the item's barcode. Before scanning, you can enter the total units you wish to check in using the Quantity field.

    Note: The barcode must be stored in the item's details to use this method.

    Item description Enter the item description in the Item search field, enter the total units you wish to check in using the Quantity field, and then select Item received.
    Manual check-in In the item list, enter the quantity you have received in the # Received field for the item.
    All received To mark all item quantities as received, select the Mark all items received button.
  5. Select Add received items to inventory to add the quantities to your inventory.
  6. Select Save changes. If there are outstanding items or quantities remaining, repeat the receiving process when the items arrive.
  7. At the top of the order, select Finished, or select Finished from the Status drop-down.

Note: If you use QuickBooks for accounting, depending on your QuickBooks export setup settings (located on the Reports page under Accounting), a purchase order may need to be marked as Finished in order for it to export to QuickBooks.

What's next?

Managing items from exported purchase orders in Retail POS

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