- US only
Once you have created a purchase order with the products and quantities desired, you need to review and submit the purchase order to the brand.
Review the order details
Use the Order review tab to preview your order before you submit it.
Based on the brand's setup, you may see the option to pay with a credit card or a request to agree to terms and conditions. After entering or confirming this information, review the details in the Order review tab and return to previous tabs if you need to make changes to your order.
Streamline your buying process by securely adding credit card information in NuORDER. Learn more with Add and manage credit cards.
If the brand offers order splitting rules by delivery (or other criteria), you will see a clear preview of each split, including the dates and totals. You have the option to enter a PO number per delivery to keep your purchase orders clearly labeled and easier to track.
The working order displays subtotals and totals.
- Subtotal: The subtotal is the calculated price of grouped products or the applied discount of a product (if applicable).
- Total: This is the overall total calculated price for all of the products in your order. If you have applied an additional discount and/or surcharge to your order, then the total price will include the discount and/or surcharge for your products.
Submit the order
When you're ready to complete the order, ensure that the shipping option has been selected on the Order review tab and select Next to progress to the Checkout tab (if applicable).
Then, select the relevant payment information and select the authorization checkbox (if applicable).
Finally, select Submit order. You'll receive a confirmation email with an order summary and the order number for your reference.
NuORDER has officially submitted your order to your brand.