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Release notes for Apr 25 - May 6

Lightspeed eCom (C-Series)

New: We added support for multi-factor authentication (MFA). This feature will be enabled for users in the coming weeks.

Improved: The Account page was redesigned with a simplified view. The Edit button is now Edit profile, the Account manager section was removed, and the Upgrade now button was renamed to Upgrade account. 

Resolved: We implemented a new method of managing quantity on hand (QOH) synchronization between R-Series and C-Series.

Lightspeed Loyalty

New: We updated Lightspeed branding and product messaging across the Loyalty Dashboard with updated Lightspeed colors and logos. For product messaging you will now see all Retail text as Retail (R-Series), to highlight which product Lightspeed Loyalty integrates with.

Resolved: We corrected how points are refunded to customers when one sale transaction results in multiple refund transactions. 

Resolved: We added additional text to our Send SMS Marketing feature to indicate that the usage of a merchant’s SMS credits is based on UTC time, and not the local time of when the SMS was sent. For example, if a merchant sends an SMS on January 31st at 11:00 PM EST, their February allowance will be consumed since it is converted to February 1st at 4:00 AM UTC. 

Resolved: We corrected the filtering logic on the Send SMS Marketing page to ensure that opted-out customers are not included in SMS messages. 

Resolved: We improved the text used for Search by group or Search by customer fields to better inform merchants of what information can be used to search. 

Resolved: We fixed an issue with our SMS campaigns feature where duplicate messages were sent to the merchant’s customers. 

Want to see the release notes for other Lightspeed products?

Please visit the Release Notes and Changelogs page on our Lightspeed website.

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