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Linking Lightspeed accounts

If your plan includes multiple Lightspeed products, you can link your accounts to easily switch between and manage them.

Currently, account linking and product switching are available for Retail POS, eCom, and Golf. If you’re an existing omni merchant, switching between Retail POS and eCom remains the same. If you have a Lightspeed Golf product, you can sign in to Golf and connect your Retail POS account. This will automatically link your Retail POS and eCom accounts with your Golf account.

Linking Lightspeed product accounts

You can link your Retail POS to your Golf account from either Retail POS or Golf. Adapt these steps depending on the Lightspeed product you’re starting from.

  1. Sign in to Retail POS.
  2. From the main menu, select Retail.
  3. This displays the dropdown that allows you to switch between Lightspeed products.
  4. From the dropdown, select Link accounts. A new page will display.


  5. From the Product dropdown, select Golf.
  6. Enter your Golf Email or Username and Password.
  7. Click Link account.


Your Lightspeed accounts are now linked, and you should have both accounts listed. You can access either linked account from this page.


If you access one of your linked accounts, you should also see a list of all of your linked accounts from the dropdown in the main menu. This dropdown is visible in the main menus of all your linked accounts. To switch between your Lightspeed products, select one from the list.


Logging out of Lightspeed accounts

When multiple linked products are open in the same browser window and you log out of one product, the single logout feature will automatically log you out of all products under the same session.

  • For example, if you're looking at Retail in one browser tab and Golf in another browser tab at the same time and you log out of Golf, you will also be logged out of your Retail session.

If your Retail account is using the Auto Sign Out Delay feature, the time set in the Auto Sign Out Delay feature dictates the auto sign out timing for all linked products.

  • For example, if a user sets their Auto Sign Out Delay to 60 minutes and is idle for 60 minutes in all open linked products, they will be automatically logged out of those products.

When performing PIN Lock in Retail, users are automatically logged out of all open linked products. If the user enters their PIN and logs back into Retail, their linked products in the same window will be automatically logged back in upon refresh.

To log a user out of Retail POS:

  1. Click the name of the employee in the main navigation.
  2. Select Sign out from the dropdown menu.


Unlinking Lightspeed accounts

If you have multiple accounts for a Lightspeed product, you can only link one of them to your other Lightspeed products. For example, if you want to link your Golf account to a different Retail POS account, you first need to unlink the Retail POS account that’s currently linked to your Golf account. The same applies to all linked Lightspeed products.

Here's how you can unlink your Golf account from your Retail POS account:

  1. Sign in to Retail POS.
  2. From the main menu, select Retail. This displays the dropdown that allows you to switch between Lightspeed products.
  3. From the dropdown, select Link accounts.


  4. Under Golf, click Unlink account.


Troubleshooting Lightspeed account linking

To link your Lightspeed account, the Linked accounts option must be listed when you select the name of your Lightspeed product from the main menu. If the Linked accounts option isn’t listed, third-party cookies may be blocked in your browser settings. Alternatively, the lightspeed.app domain may be blocked in your firewall settings. To troubleshoot:

  • Allow third-party cookies in your browser settings. Refer to the instructions associated with your web browser (Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome).
  • Allow the lightspeed.app domain your firewall settings. If you need help, reach out to your IT Specialist.

Turn off the Block third-party cookies toggle if you’re using a Lightspeed product in Chrome’s Incognito mode. It’s located at the bottom of the page when you open a new Incognito window, and generally enabled by default.

If you complete these steps, your Lightspeed accounts will be linked and you can easily switch between Lightspeed products.

What's next?

Lightspeed Accounting

Learn about the Lightspeed accounting integration tool.

Learn more

Configuring Lightspeed Payments

Customize your payment settings.

Learn more

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