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Release notes from Oct 1 – Oct 31

Lightspeed Retail POS (Web)

Update: In Lightspeed Hub, barcodes are now scannable for all label sizes, and labels only print the MSRP if it’s lower than the default price.

Update: Partially receiving a purchase order for special orders notifies merchants about special orders that can be fulfilled.

Bug fix: For inventory management, we made two corrections:
A quantity on hand (QOH) defect caused inaccuracies when voiding a sale with a refund. A bug existed where some users were unable to access inventory from item search.

Bug fix: We fixed the following issues with Lightspeed Hub:

  • Receipts were not printing at normal resolutions.
  • Label layout was broken when label content was too long.
  • Sometimes Hub disconnected and had to be restarted.
  • False print modals were appearing.
  • When opening Hub in Windows from the Start menu, Hub flashed and disappeared, and then needed to be killed from the Task menu.

Bug fix: We resolved the following purchase order issues:

  • Intermittent loading of purchase orders.
  • Vendor costs of catalog-linked items were updated when added to a purchase order, even when the automatic cost update feature from the catalog was unchecked.
  • Default cost now updates on non-inventory items with an assigned vendor and vendor ID.
  • Updating items associated with vendor IDs sometimes resulted in an error: “Could not be saved. Try again.”
  • Vendor ID cost reverted back to another cost via purchase order and reliable purchase order label printing.

Bug fix: We resolved an issue where some items could not be updated through the API due to the vendor ID missing a value.

Lightspeed eCom

Bug fix: We resolved an issue to ensure that product quantity discounts work correctly in the new checkout.

Bug fix: We resolved an issue to ensure customer gift cards don’t load incorrect account data.

Bug fix: We resolved an issue that sometimes produced an error when switching from Retail POS to eCom.

Lightspeed Loyalty

Bug fix: We resolved an issue where customers who are not in a group have access to specific group rewards.

Bug fix: We fixed the email and SMS option flags, as the data was interchanged in CSV exports in the Manage Customers section of the Loyalty Dashboard.

Bug fix: We addressed some aesthetic issues with the Send SMS Marketing workflow.

Bug fix: The SMS opt-in flag was added to the Export All Customers CSV export within the Manage Customers section of the Loyalty Dashboard.

Want to see the release notes for other Lightspeed products?

Please see the Release Notes and Changelogs page on our Lightspeed website.

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