Installing Lightspeed Hub on your computer is the first step towards setting up a device that's supported with Hub. Lightspeed Hub is available for download in Lightspeed Retail POS under Devices.
To install Lightspeed Hub:
- From the main menu, select Devices.
- Select Download Lightspeed Hub.
- Once the download is complete, open the Lightspeed Hub .dmg file.
- Read the Application Terms of Use and select Agree to continue.
- Drag and drop the Lightspeed Hub app to your Applications folder.
- Open Lightspeed Hub.
- In Retail POS, select Connect to Hub.
Hub is now connected to Retail POS and ready to connect to devices.
To install Lightspeed Hub:
- From the main menu, select Devices.
- Select Download Lightspeed Hub.
- Once the download is complete, open the Lightspeed Hub .exe file.
- On the Security Warning window, select Run.
- Read the Application Terms of Use and select I accept the license terms and Continue. Lightspeed Hub will open automatically.
- In Retail POS, select Connect to Hub.
Hub is now connected to Retail POS and ready to connect to devices.
What's next?
See our list of supported devices for Hub and set up your device.