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Installing Lightspeed CFD

Installing the Lightspeed CFD desktop app on your secondary display is the first step towards connecting Customer Facing Display. Lightspeed CFD is available for download under Sales Customer Facing Display (V2). Any secondary display that can connect to your computer is compatible with the app.


To download Lightspeed CFD: 


  1. From the main menu, click Sales Customer Facing Display (V2).
  2. Under Don't have the app?, click Download Lightspeed CFD app.Screen_Shot_2020-01-29_at_2.36_1.png
  3. Once the download is complete, open the Lightspeed CFD DMG file.
  4. On the alert modal, click Open.
  5. Drag and drop Lightspeed CFD app to your Applications folder.
  6. Open Lightspeed CFD


You should now see a preview of what you currently have open on your primary and secondary display. If not, double-check that your displays are connected correctly to your computer.


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