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Understanding the side panel of the sales history view

The side panel of the sales history view displays the details found in the sales list but goes more in-depth. It also presents the details in a way that's quick and easy to understand. As an associate, this helps you confirm that you've found the correct sale before you start a refund or exchange. As an owner or manager, the side panel allows you to further analyze sales that jumped out to you on the sales list.

The side panel can be broken down into seven sections:


  1. Header
  2. Customer details
  3. Items and charges
  4. Subtotal, discounts, taxes and total
  5. Credit account and gift cards
  6. Payment



1. Header

The header of the side panel can be broken down into four sub-sections:


  1. Title
  2. Badge
  3. Context
  4. Call to action





The title of the header includes the number of items a customer purchased and at what price. It's meant to be quick and easy for you to read.



If a badge is included in the sales list to highlight the sale, it's also included in the side panel. The possible badges are the following:


In progress A badge to indicate that the sale is in progress and can be continued.
Discounts A badge to indicate the total amount of discounts that were applied to the sale (e.g. Discounts $5.00). As an owner or manager, this badge is helpful if you want to further investigate discounted sales. It's also helpful if you want to review how heavily sales are being discounted in a shop. Whether the discount total is tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive is dependent on the Tax Model setting under Settings General Options
Refund A badge to indicate that a sale has an item with a negative quantity (a refund).



Internal information about the sale is included to provide more context:


Date The specific date that the sale was completed (or created if it's in progress).

The hours and minutes of when the sale was completed (or created if it's in progress).

Note: If you have a multi-store account, the timezone is included as well.


The employee that completed the sale (or started the sale if it's in progress).


The register the sale was completed on (or created on if in progress).


The shop where the sale was completed (or created at if in progress).


Continue sale

If a sale is in progress, at the top-right of the header, a Continue sale button appears. For more information on how to continue a sale that's in progress, please see Making a sale.


2. Customer details

The customer details section of the side panel lets you know which customer is attached to the sale. It also includes their account details for additional validation when confirming the details of a sale:


  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number



To edit their customer account, you can click View details. As an associate, this is helpful if you want to view or edit the other items attached to the customer in context (e.g. special orders or layaways). You can also edit the customer's contact information if you mistyped it during the sale. To edit a customer account, however, you need the Customers - Basic right enabled in your employee role.


3. Items and charges

The items and charges section of the side panel displays the items and charges that were sold or refunded to the customer. The section has a header and is broken down into sub-sections by sale types. Within these sub-sections, the item types and charge types are displayed for clarity and a breakdown of each item and charge is included to provide detailed information. 



The header of the items and charges section displays the total quantity of items that were involved with a sale (1). If a sale was completed, a Refund or exchange appears at the top-right (2). Clicking it brings directly to the register, which is helpful if you're an associate who wants to start a refund or exchange.


Note: To start a refund from the side panel, you need the Sales - Refund permission enabled in your employee role


Sale types

Items and charges are organized into three sub-sections based on sale types. Retail POS has three different sale types: sales, refunds and work orders. In other words, items and charges are organized based on if they were sold, refunded or used in a work order. For easy scanning, the three sub-sections are marked by the following headers:


  1. Sold
  2. Refunded
  3. Labor (items used in work orders or labor charges)



Organizing items and charges by sale type also provides a high-level view of the specific events that happened in the sale (e.g. items were sold and then refunded).


Item types and charge types

Under the SOLD, REFUNDED and LABOR sub-section, icons to indicate the type of item or charge are included to the left of their description. If an inventory item or non-inventory item has an image, however, its image displays instead of the item type icon.



Item with inventory (single, box or assembly)


Non-inventory item or ad-hoc item (created during a sale)


Serialized item (with serial number included)


Labor item (item with the Labor tax class)


Miscellaneous charge


Labor charge


Gift card (with last four digits of number included)

Note: To view the full gift card number, you need to have the Customer: customer - view gift card permission enabled in your employee role.


Work orders are not items or charges but are also included as sub-headers within the LABOR sub-section. If a work order was completed during a sale, the following information is included:


  • Work order number
  • Quantity of items
  • Total (with discounts applied and tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive depending on Tax Model setting)
  • Discounts
  • Item and charge breakdown


Note: The work order number links to the original work order if you have the Service permission enabled in your employee role.


Item and charge breakdown

Within the SOLD, REFUNDED and LABOR sub-sections, items and charges are listed and broken down. This helps you can quickly identify sales you want to refund or research sale activity. The following information is included in their breakdown:



If the employee associated with the sale (displayed in the header section) differs from the employee associated with an item in the sale, the employee's name is included under the item. This is helpful if your shop works on a commission basis or uses work orders.

Item details
  • Description
  • Image (if available)
  • Item type or charge type icon (if image unavailable)
  • Serial number (if item is serialized)
  • Attributes (if item is a matrix variant)
  • Gift card number (if charge is for a gift card)
  • Quantity
  • Subtotal (tax-inclusive or tax-exclusive depending on Tax Model setting)

If a discount was applied and you hover over its icon discount-codes.png, its name and rate display. The item's discounted subtotal is also calculated.

Note If a note on a specific item or charge was entered at the time of the sale, it's listed underneath it.


4. Subtotal, discounts, taxes and total

This section of the side panel takes into account all the items and charges in the sale and sums up the following:


  • The total price of all items that were sold in the sale (quantity x price).
  • Discounts are excluded from the subtotal.
  • Gift card deposits are excluded from the subtotal as they are included in their own dedicated section under the sale total and in the payment section.
  • Taxes are included or excluded depending on Tax Model setting.
  • The subtotal only appears if items or charges are listed under the SOLD or LABOR sub-sections.
  • The total sum of all the discounts that were applied to the items or charges in the sale.
  • The discounts total only appears if discounts were applied to items or charges under the SOLD or LABOR sub-sections.
  • The discounts total always displays as a negative number.
  • The total sum of all the refunds based on the price the item(s) were originally sold for.
  • Only visible if items were refunded on the sale.
  • Always displayed as a negative number.
  • Taxes are included or excluded depending on Tax Model setting.
Total before tax
  •  The subtotal of the sale minus all discounts and refunds.
  • The tax that was applied to the items and charges in the sale.
  • The name, taxable subtotal, tax rate and tax total of the sales tax and/or tax class is listed.
  • If only one sales tax or tax class was applied across the entire sale, it's the only one listed.
  • If multiple tax classes were applied in the sale, all of them are listed to further breakdown how taxes were applied to the sale.
  • If your account is set to be tax inclusive, the tax breakdown is listed under the sale total instead of being its own section. 
  • The total amount your customer paid (total before tax + total tax).
  • Gift card deposits are excluded from the total as they are included in their own dedicated section under the sale total and in the payment section.




5. Credit account and gift cards

After the sale total, credit account and gift card activities are listed.


Credit accounts

If any amount of money was deposited or withdrawn from a customer account, it appears as either a DEPOSIT or WITHDRAWAL. Next to the amount, the name of the customer is also included.

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Gift cards

As previously mentioned, if a sale has a charge made towards a gift card (a deposit), the gift card is listed under SOLD in the item and charge breakdown. However, the deposit is not included in the subtotal or total of the sale. Instead, it appears in its own dedicated section under the sale total along with its number. On the other hand, if an amount is withdrawn from a gift card, it appears as a payment. More on that in the next section.


Note: If a gift card appears in the side panel, the last four digits of the gift card number are included. To see the gift card's full number, you need the Customers - View Gift Card Numbers permission. At this time, however, if the gift card was used for payment, its gift card number is not included at all.

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6. Payment

This section breaks down each payment type that a customer used to pay for their sale. If they used multiple payment types, they'll all be listed. This section also displays how much change was given to the customer and what balance remains to be paid.

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Payment methods

The following payment types are listed along with certain additional details:







Debit card






Integrated credit card:

  • The name of the card association is listed (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.)
  • The last four digits of the credit card is included

Gift card (gift card number not included at this time)


Customer account (with customer name included)


Custom payment type (with name included)



If the customer paid in cash, the amount that was given back to them is included. This is true even if they gave exact change ($0.00).



If a customer still has a balance to pay on a sale, the sale is either partial or in progress and the amount they owe is included. If the sale was completed, the balance of $0.00 is still included for confirmation.

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