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Fulfilling eCom (C-Series) backorders with negative inventory

If your items have the Allow backorders setting enabled or the Track the inventory setting disabled in your eCom back office, you can easily see which of them have eCom backorders with the Negative inventory report. From this report, you can also see which items already have stock on incoming purchase orders and/or transfers so you can replenish your stock accordingly.

If you have eCom backorders in the Negative inventory report, start by fulfilling the eCom backorders that have incoming stock. Once those are taken care of, create purchase orders and/or transfers for the eCom backorders that don't have incoming stock.

Fulfill eCom backorders that have incoming stock

To begin, filter the Negative inventory report so that only items with eCom backorders appear in the list. Then, sort the list so that all items from the same eCom order are grouped together. Ideally, the items in the list will also have stock on incoming purchase orders and/or transfers. This allows you to simply fulfill the eCom orders as soon as the shipments arrive.

To do so, you'll need to use two tabs on your web browser. We'll refer to them as the Retail POS tab and the eCom tab based on which Lightspeed product you'll be mainly navigating in within each tab. Once you complete the steps in each tab, the items will no longer appear in the Negative inventory report and you'll have fulfilled all the eCom orders that you possible can with the current stock you have on hand. Only the eCom backorders that don't have incoming stock will be left in the list.

To fulfill those, you'll need to create purchase orders and/or transfers to replenish your stock. For those instructions, please see the Fulfilling eCom backorders that don't have incoming stock section of this article.

Retail POS tab

  1. In Retail POS, click Reports > Negative inventory.
  2. Select the Show eCom orders checkbox and click Search to only include items with eCom backorders in the list.
  3. Click the SOURCE column headers to group all items from the same eCom order together.


  4. Under SOURCE, click the Sale # of an item.
  5. Under Basic, click the Online Order button to open the eCom order in the eCom tab. You'll need it for a later step.


  6. Still in the Retail POS tab, click Negative inventory on the navigation bar at the top of the page to go back to the report.
  7. Under PURCHASE ORDER or TRANSFER, click the in-transit quantity.


  8. From the list, click the PO# or Transfer ID to open the purchase order or transfer.
  9. Receive the in-transit quantity on the purchase order or transfer to replenish the item's stock.
  10. Click Negative inventory on the navigation bar at the top of the page to go back to the report. The QOH is now updated to reflect the stock you added to your inventory. The oldest source (e.g. sale #68) that caused the item to have negative inventory is also removed from the report. If no other sources are causing the item to have negative inventory, the item is no longer listed in the results of the report altogether.


  11. Repeat steps 7-10 until you've replenished the stock of all the items from the same eCom order. If some of the items don't have stock on incoming purchase orders or transfers, please see the Fulfilling eCom backorders that don't have incoming stock section of this article to learn how to replenish your stock.
  12. Complete the steps in the eCom tab section of this article to fulfill your eCom order.
  13. Repeat steps 4-12 to fulfill the other eCom backorders that have stock on incoming purchase orders and/or transfers.

eCom tab

  1. Check if the eCom order is fraudulent. If it is, refund the eCom order.
  2. If the eCom order wasn't marked as paid automatically (e.g. your customer paid with a bank transfer), under Payment, click Mark as Paid.


  3. If you're shipping the eCom order, package the items into shipping boxes or envelopes. If your customer is picking up the eCom order in-store, prepare the eCom order and call them to let them know that it's ready to be picked up. Once they arrive in-store, skip to step 7.
  4. Ship the items to the shipping address on the right-hand side of the eCom order page.


  5. Once a tracking number is issued, under Shipment, click the shipment number.


  6. In the Tracking Number field, enter the tracking number and click Save.


  7. Once the items have been shipped or your customer has picked them up, under Shipment, click Mark as Shipped or Mark as Picked Up.


  8. To mark the order as shipped or picked up in Retail POS as well, from the main menu, click eCom and select Retail POS.


  9. In Retail POS, click Inventory > Shipments.
  10. Using the search bar and available filters, locate the eCom order.
  11. Under SHIPPED, select its checkbox.


  12. Close the eCom tab.

Fulfilling eCom backorders that don't have incoming quantity

To fulfill the eCom backorders that don't have stock on incoming purchase orders or transfers:

  1. In Retail POS, click Reports > Negative inventory report.
  2. Select the Show eCom orders checkbox to include all items with backorders in the results.
  3. Click the PURCHASE ORDER or TRANSFER column headers to display items that don't have incoming purchase orders or transfers at the top of the results.


  4. Analyze all your backorders and decide which items you'll purchase and/or transfer together versus individually.
  5. Optionally, filter the report by shop and/or default vendor to help streamline your ordering process. For example, if you fulfill backorders by purchasing items with the same vendor together rather than individually, we recommend filtering the report by default vendor.
  6. To create another tab on your web browser, from the main menu, right-click Inventory and click Open Link in New Tab.


  7. In the new tab, create the purchase orders and/or transfers you need to fulfill your backorders.
  8. Compare between the report and purchase order and/or transfer tabs and enter the items and quantity you need to fulfill your backorders.


  9. Once your purchase orders and/or transfers arrive, follow the steps in the Fulfill eCom backorders that have incoming stock section of this article.

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