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General Settings

In this section, you'll configure the general settings that will govern the mapping of your data syncs. To access this section, click on Settings > Accounting > Select your Shop > General Settings. These settings will determine how much of your information you choose to send to your accounting software and in what format you'll be sending it.

Sales Posting Method

The general settings available to you and the way your information is mapped will change depending on which posting method you select. Once the posting method is selected and your settings and mappings have been completed, changing the posting method will require you to reconfigure your settings and reestablish your mappings from scratch. We therefore recommend choosing carefully and sticking with your choice once made.



  • Optional

Most commonly used to differentiate shops in a multi-store setting.


  • Optional

Only available in Summary Sales Receipt or Itemized Sales Receipt posting methods, this will assign a customer to the sales receipt or invoice that is sent to your accounting software.

Track Sales Tax in Accounting Software

  • Options: On/Off

Only available in Summary Sales Receipt or Itemized Sales Receipt posting methods. When on, sales tax information will not be synced from Lightspeed to your accounting software. Instead, your accounting software will calculate the taxes itself. This requires you to set up the sales tax rates in your accounting software. When off, the amount of sales tax charged in Lightspeed Retail will be synced to your accounting software.

Book Inventory/COGS

  • Options: On/Off

When on, this activates the Inventory & COGS section for mapping, allowing you to track inventory assets and cost of goods sold in your accounting software.

Sync Purchase Orders

  • Options:
    • Do not Sync
    • Sync as POs
    • Sync each Shipment as a PO
    • Sync as Bills

Determines whether or not purchase orders will be synced from Lightspeed Retail. You will eventually convert your purchase orders into Bills in your accounting software, and you have the option to Sync as Bills directly to skip that step. Sync as POs to make edits to the PO prior to converting it to a bill. Purchase orders are synced when they are marked as Finished.

Set to Sync each Shipment as a PO to sync the record of shipment with Lightspeed Accounting. In Retail POS on the Record of shipment page inside a purchase order, set the Accounting Status to Finished to sync.


Use Reference # as PO Number

  • Options: On/Off

Lightspeed Retail will number your purchase orders sequentially, which will almost certainly not match the invoice number assigned to the order by your vendor. When on, this setting will number your synced POs according to the Reference # field found in the PO in Lightspeed Retail, giving you the option to put the vendor-assigned invoice number there instead.

Sync Vendor Returns

  • Options: On/Off

When on, your Vendor Returns in Lightspeed Retail will be synced the day they are marked as Sent.

Deposit Checks with Cash

  • Options: On/Off

When on, any payments received of the payment type Check will be combined with your Cash payments as a single lump sum and will sync according to the Cash payment mapping.

Ignore Over/Short

  • Options: On/Off

When closing the register in Lightspeed Retail, the amount of money counted in the drawer is compared to the theoretical amount calculated to be in the drawer and, if different, an Over/short value is created. When on, this setting will cause the sync to ignore the Over/short and sync the theoretical amount of cash expected.

Auto-Payout Tips

  • Options: On/Off

Only relevant for Lightspeed Restaurant users. Leave Off for Lightspeed Retail.

Custom Transaction Number?

  • Options: On/Off

When off, your sales will be assigned an ID number by your accounting software. You can override this by turning this option on. Your sale IDs will then be the first five letters of your store name, followed by the date (for example, a sale made in Myshop on March 13, 2023 would have the ID myshop230313).

Transaction # Prefix

  • Only available if Custom Transaction Number is On

The prefix entered here will replace the first five letters of your store name in a sale ID when Custom Transaction Number is on (for instance, the prefix "sale" would change the ID in the above example to sale230313).


Once your general settings have been configured, click Apply. You are now ready to begin mapping your data.

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