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Paying for a sale with a credit account

Before a customer can pay for a sale with their credit account, they must first create a credit account. Their credit account also either needs a credit limit or a deposit that is equal to or greater than the sale total.

Once the credit account is set up, start a new sale and attach the customer to it. You can attach your customer to a sale by either entering their searchable details or using search filters.

Attaching a customer to sale

To attach the customer using their searchable details:

  1. From the main menu, click Sales > New Sale.
  2. In the Search Customers field, type your customer's searchable details.
  3. Click Search. Your customer will attach to the sale if your searchable details have a unique match.
  4. If the searchable details don't have a unique match, click the Attach To Sale button next to your customer.

To attach the customer using search filters:

  1. From the main menu, click Sales > New Sale.
  2. To the right of the Search Customers field, click Search.
  3. Use the available filters to narrow your search results.
  4. Click the Attach To Sale button next to your customer.

Paying for a sale with a credit account

Now that you've attached the customer to the sale, you can pay for the sale with their credit account:

  1. On the right-hand side of the register, click the Payment button.
  2. In the Payment screen, enter the amount your customer would like to charge to their credit account in the Account field. To apply the maximum available amount on their credit account to the sale, click Max.
  3. If there is still a balance due for the sale, enter the amount(s) of the other payment(s) in the appropriate payment type fields.
  4. Click Finish Sale.
  5. Optionally, print or email the receipt.


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