Marking an order as shipped
Click Orders from the back office menu.
From the shipping list, click on the order number of the order you are shipping.
Scroll down the Shipping box within the Order Page.
Click Print to print a Packing Slip.
Insert the Packing Slip into the package.
- Click Mark as shipped.
This order is now complete.
Using the Pickup in Store shipping method
Upon launching your eCom store, a shipping method called Pickup in Store is automatically added to your eCom store. If selected at checkout, this shipping method ensures that the taxes charged to your online customers are based on the location of your Retail POS store. Once the order is officially placed and marked as paid in eCom, it will push to your Retail POS account as an official sale.
To manage if an order has been picked up, go the Inventory > Shipping section. From the INSTRUCTIONS column, the following information is available:
- Customer's phone number.
- Customer's email address.
- Pickup in Store shipping method.
From the SHIPPED column, select the checkbox to account for orders that are officially picked up.
Using the Pay at Pickup payment method
eCom has a payment method called Pay at Pickup that can be enabled under Settings > Payment Providers. This payment type will appear as an option if customers select Pickup in Store as their delivery method.
When a Pay at Pickup order is completed:
- The order is not automatically marked as paid.
- The order will not be pushed to Retail POS until the order is manually marked as paid in eCom.
- The inventory is not modified in Retail POS until the order is marked as paid in eCom.
To account for these eCom orders in your Retail POS account, there are two workflows you can use when your customer comes to pick up their items:
- Cancel your eCom order and replicate the sale in your Retail POS account.
- Mark your eCom order as paid and make a deposit in your Retail POS account.
Cancelling your eCom order workflow
- From your eCom store, cancel the order.
- From your Retail POS account, replicate the order by making a new sale.
More information:
- By replicating the sale in your Retail POS account, the payment is attached to the appropriate sale in your reporting.
- Cancelling the eCom order prevents stock levels in your Retail POS from being removed twice and avoids confusion amongst employees about the fulfillment of the order.
- This workflow may be more impacting on employees as they have to recreate the eCom order in Retail POS.
- Recreating the order in Retail POS can potentially lead to an increase in human error and in the amount of time the customer is waiting in-store.
- By cancelling the eCom order, it is no longer tracked.
Making a deposit in Retail POS workflow
- In your eCom store, mark the order as paid. This will download the order into your Retail POS account.
- In your Retail POS account, create a payment type called eCom refund.
- From the main menu, click Sale > New Sale.
- Attach your customer to the register.
- Click the green Payment button.
- On the left, click the Add Deposit button.
- In the Amount field, enter the same amount as the eCom order.
- From the Payment Type dropdown, select the payment type your customer is paying with.
- If using a debit or credit card, process the card.
- Click Finish Sale.
- Repeat step 3 to 5.
- On the left, click Refund Deposit.
- In the Amount field, enter the same amount as the deposit you just processed.
- From the Payment Type dropdown, select the payment type eCom refund.
- Click Finish Sale.
In your Retail POS reporting, you will now have 3 transactions:
- The eCom order that was pushed to your Retail POS account with the eCom payment type.
- The deposit with your customer's actual payment.
- The refunded deposit with the eCom Refund that cancels out the original transaction with the eCom payment type.
More information:
- In terms of accounting, this will net the amount of the sale with the correct payment amount.
- By not recreating the order in Retail POS, this reduces the likelihood of human error and the amount of time the customer is waiting in store.
- As eCom orders marked as paid flag the download of payment confirmations, e-mail notifications to customers can be sent as per usual.
- Given that the customer's payment is processed as a deposit instead of a sale, this workflow is recommended for customers not using an integrated accounting software as it could negatively affect GL totals.
- In your Retail POS reporting, the customer's actual payment is not attached to the transaction with the sale items.