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Managing customer deposits

Deposits can be used to add funds to a credit account that you haven't extended a credit limit to and to pay for items on layaway or special order in advance (whether partially or in full).

Adding a deposit to a credit account

Note: For customers who have a credit account with a limit, deposits count as payments toward their balance owing and will not show as a deposit in the customer's account details.

  1. Navigate to Sales New Sale.
  2. Enter your customer's name in the Search Customers field.
  3. Click Search. Your customer will attach to the sale if your searchable details have a unique match.
  4. If the searchable details don't have a unique match, click the Attach To Sale button next to your customer.
  5. Click Payment.
  6. Click Add Deposit.Retail-R-add-deposit.png
  7. In the new window, enter a deposit amount and click Add.Retail-R-add-deposit-amount.png
  8. From the payment section, select a payment type.
  9. Once the payment is accepted, click Finish Sale.

Refunding a deposit from a credit account

In cases where you need to refund a credit account deposit, you can do so from the sales screen. 

This workflow is intended for deposit refunds. To refund a sale for store credit, refer to our Refunding a sale to a customer account article.

  1. Navigate to Sales New Sale.
  2. Enter your customer's name in the Search Customers field.
  3. Click Search. Your customer will attach to the sale if your searchable details have a unique match.
  4. If the searchable details don't have a unique match, click the Attach To Sale button next to your customer.
  5. Click Payment.
  6. Click Refund Deposit.Retail-R-refund-deposit.png
  7. Select a deposit payment source from the drop-down.
  8. Enter a deposit refund amount and click OK.Retail-R-refund-deposit-details.png
  9. Once the refund is complete, click Finish Sale.

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