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Managing customer deposits

Deposits can be used to add funds to a credit account without an extended credit limit and to pay for items on layaway or special order in advance, either partially or in full.

Adding a deposit to a credit account

For customers with credit account limits, deposits count as payments toward the balance owing and won't show as deposits in the account details.

  1. Navigate to Sales > New Sale.
  2. Enter your customer's name in the Search Customers field.
  3. Click Search. If your search details match a unique customer, the sale will automatically be attached to their account. If the details don't automatically match, click Attach To Sale next to your customer.
  4. Click Payment.
  5. Click Add Deposit.

    Add Deposit button highlighted on a Current Sale.

  6. Enter a deposit amount and click Add.

    Add Deposit details with fields for 'Credit Account Balance' and 'Deposit Amount'.

  7. From the payment section, select a payment type.
  8. Once the payment is accepted, click Finish Sale.

Refunding a deposit from a credit account

You can refund a credit account deposit from the sales screen.

This section is intended for refunding deposits. To refund a sale for store credit, refer to our Refunding a sale to a customer account article.

  1. Navigate to Sales > New Sale.
  2. Enter your customer's name in the Search Customers field.
  3. Click Search. If your search details match a unique customer, the sale will automatically be attached to their account. If the details don't automatically match, click Attach To Sale next to your customer.
  4. Click Payment.
  5. Click Deposit Refund.

    Deposit Refund button.

  6. The Type of refund will be set to Deposit. Click the Refund to dropdown, and select the method you want to refund to (for example, Cash or Check).

    Deposit Refund details.

  7. In the Refund Amount section, enter the deposit refund amount.
  8. Click Ok.

    Deposit Refund details with Ok button highlighted.

  9. The Deposit Refund amount you entered will be added to your current sale.

    Sale checkout with a $100 deposit refund applied.

  10. Click Finish Sale.

If you want to enable deposit refunds to a credit account for a user, update their permission settings:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Roles.
  2. Select the employee role you want to enable the settings for.
  3. In the Sales - All section, enable the Sales - Credit Account Refund checkbox.
  4. Click Save Changes.

What's next?

Paying for a sale with a credit account

Complete sales with credit accounts.

Learn more

Managing customer credit accounts

Set credit limits, view balances, and handle account statements.

Learn more

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