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Completing work orders

To close a work order

  1. From the main menu, click Service > Work Orders
  2. Locate the work order and click its ID to open it.
  3. From the Status drop-down, select Finished.
  4. If needed, add, remove or update the items or charges on the work order.
  5. Click the green Checkout button to go to the payment screen.
  6. Click the green Payment button
  7. Click the Max button or manually enter the amount next to the corresponding payment types.
  8. Click the green Finish Sale button.

To close a work order during a sale

  1. From the main menu, click Sales > New Sale.
  2. In the Search Customers field, enter a customer with an open work order.
  3. Click the Work Orders tab.
  4. Click the Complete button to the left of the work order to transfer it to the Sale tab.
  5. In the Sale tab, if needed, add additional items or charges to the sale.
  6. Click the green Payment button
  7. Click the Max button or manually enter the amount next to the corresponding payment types.
  8. Click the green Finish Sale button.

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