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Configuring general options

Lightspeed Retail's general options let you tailor your point-of-sale system to better fit your store's needs. Explore the sections below for details on adjusting these settings, found under Settings > General Options.

Location customization

Adjust settings related to your business location, date format, currency, and tax model.

  • Location: Sets the business location for taxation purposes. Date format: Select the date format for dates on receipts and transactions.
  • Date Format: Choose the way dates will be displayed in your account.
  • Tax Model: Define whether the sale price value includes or excludes sales taxes.


Configure how new retail items are automatically published to your eCom platform.

  • Automatically publish to eCom: Automatically selects the Publish to eCom checkbox of new Retail items and pushes them to your eCom back office.


Manage the duration of idle time before the system takes security actions, such as logging out or requesting a user PIN.

  • Auto Logout Delay: Duration of idle time, in minutes, until the system automatically logs out.
  • Verify PIN Delay: Duration of idle time, in minutes, until the system requests an employee's access PIN to be entered before allowing any functions to be performed.


Configure how sales are processed at the register, including requirements for PINs, refunds, inventory warnings, and more.

  • Require PIN Before Each Sale: Requires an employee access PIN to be entered before a new sale can be started on the register. This helps ensure the correct user is logged in for each sale.
  • Require Customer For Serial Numbers: For items with serial number tracking, this requires a customer to be attached to the sale before it can be completed.
  • No Store Credit Refunds: Doesn’t allow store credit to be given to a customer during a refund.
  • Without Receipt Refund Credit Only: For customers who do not have a receipt, only a store credit can be issued for refunds.
  • Disable All Inventory Warnings: Disables displaying a warning message when you add an item to a sale that is out-of-stock or reserved on a special order, layaway, or work order.
  • Do Not Convert Singles To Boxes Automatically: When adding items to a sale that match the quantity in a boxed set, Lightspeed Retail automatically applies the boxed price. Enabling this option disables the auto-boxing feature, ensuring individual items retain their standalone pricing.
  • Hide the Running Count of Items: Hides the count of the total number of items within the currently active sale.
  • Create Separate Sale Lines When Adding Units of the Same Item: Each scan of the same item creates a new line in the checkout, rather than adding to the quantity sold counter. 
  • Create Separate Sale Lines When Adjusting Quantities: Creates a new line item when item quantity is adjusted. For example if you change item quantity to 5, Lightspeed Retail will create 5 separate line items. Requires Create separate sale lines when adding units of the same item permission to be enabled.

Customize product listing

Select the fields that can be used for products.

  • UPC: Enables UPC numbers for products.
  • EAN: Enables EAN numbers for products.
  • Custom SKU: Enables custom SKU numbers for products.
  • Manufacturer SKU: Enables manufacturer numbers for products.


Set preferences for initiating work orders, ensuring the right employee is accountable for each service task.

  • Require PIN Before Each Workorder: Requires an employee access PIN before a new work order can be started. This helps ensure the correct user is logged in for each work order.
  • Create Separate Workorder Lines When Adding Units of the Same Item: Each unit added to a work order creates a new line in the work order. 
  • Create Separate Workorder Lines When Adjusting Quantities: Creates a new line in the work order when adjusting the unit quantity. For example if you change item quantity to 5, Lightspeed Retail will create 5 separate line items. Requires Create Separate Workorder Lines When Adding Units of the Same Item permission to be enabled.


Define how your inventory costs are calculated and represented in financial reports, allowing for consistent financial tracking.

  • Cost Method: Sets the costing method to use when displaying reports:
    • Average Cost: Averages the price of your inventory over time. Reports will display the average of your current inventory records.
    • First In First Out Cost: Determines the cost based on the exact cost of the newest inventory in stock.
  • Cost Control: Cost used for negative inventory balances and inventory added without a defined cost.


These options relate to emailing receipts to customers and sending purchase orders to vendors.

  • Disable All Email: Enabling this option disables all emailing functions within Lightspeed Retail.
  • Reply To/From Email Address: Enter the email address from which the emails are sent.
  • Email Subject: Enter the subject of your email.
  • Receipt Email Header/Footer: Enter the message that will appear in the header and footer areas of your email.


Manage preferences for label and receipt printing, ensuring consistent presentation and functionality tailored to your store's needs.

  • Label Size: Select the paper size used for your label printer. NOTE: The dimensions are expressed as width x height. Lightspeed Retail only supports the available label sizes as shown. For example, Lightspeed Retail supports 2.25 x 1.25 labels and not 1.25 x 2.25.
  • Scan Small Labels: If you have both small and large labels attached to items in your store, enable this to be able to scan both label sizes.
  • Disable Receipt Auto Printing: Enable this if you don’t want Lightspeed Retail to automatically notify you to print a receipt after every sale.
  • Choose items from the sale to include on the gift receipt: Allows you to choose certain items in transactions that should be included or excluded from gift receipts.
  • Printed document languages: Choose which languages account statements can be printed in.
  • Ask before using default receipt printer: Allows you to be prompted to choose the printer to send a receipt to, instead of sending to the default receipt printer.
  • Number of receipts being printed after a sale: Adjust how many times a receipt should be printed after a sale is finalized.

Cash Drawer

Select which payment types will automatically open the cash drawer after finalizing a sale. This only applies for iPads and receipts printed through Lightspeed Hub.

  • All Payment Types: The cash drawer will open automatically after all sales.
  • Never: The cash drawer will never open automatically after sales.
  • Cash Only: The cash drawer will only open automatically after sales paid partially or in full with the Cash payment type.

The register can always be opened manually from Sales > Add Amount > Open Drawer.

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