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Viewing in-transit quantities on transfers

To stay on top of the items you're transferring between shops, you can view their in-transit quantities from the following areas of your Retail account:

  • An item's Details section
  • An item's Inventory section
  • An item's Transfers section
  • The Transfers In Transit report

Viewing in-transit quantities from the Transfers In Transit report

  1. From the main menu, click Reports > In Transit. A list of all the in-transit quantities on SENT and RECEIVED transfers in your Retail account displays.
  2. Optionally, you can leverage the Transfers In Transit reporting the following ways:
    • Use the available fields and filters to refine the list of items.
    • Click Return to return the in-transit quantities of an item back to the FROM shop.
    • Click the transfer's ID to view the transfer.
    • Click Export to export the report's data to a CSV file.

Transfers in transit report

View in-transit quantities from an item's Details section

  1. Click the item you want to view. You can do so by doing an inventory search from Inventory > Item Search or clicking the item's description from anywhere in your Retail account (e.g. from a sale).
  2. From the submenu, click Details.
  3. Under Transfers on the right-hand side of the page, the Incoming and Outgoing quantities of the item display. The quantities that display are based on SENT and RECEIVED transfers going to or being sent from the shop you're currently signed in to.

Details transfers

View in-transit quantities from an item's Inventory section

  1. Click the item you want to view. You can do so by doing an inventory search from Inventory > Item Search or clicking the item's description from anywhere in your Retail account (e.g. from a sale).
  2. From the submenu, click Inventory.
  3. Under Shop Inventories, the Transfers out and Transfers in quantities display the item's in-transit quantities on Sent and Received transfers going to or being sent from each shop. The Transfers pending column denotes the number of units currently assigned to a transfer that has not yet been sent. Each shop's current QOH (quantity on hand) for the item also displays.

    The units displayed in the Transfers pending column have not yet been removed from inventory and are also counted in the Available column.

Pending Transfers

View in-transit quantities from an item's Transfers section

  1. Click the item you want to view. You can do so by doing an inventory search from Inventory > Item Search or clicking the item's description from anywhere in your Retail account (e.g. from a sale).
  2. From the submenu, click Transfers. A list of all incoming transfers that have in-transit quantities for the item displays. The incoming transfers and in-transit quantities that display are based on OPEN, SENT and RECEIVED transfer going to the shop you're currently signed in to.
  3. Optionally, click the transfer's ID to view the transfer.

Transfers incoming

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