To manage your inventory, you may need to quickly edit groups of items, duplicate items, merge items, change item types, and/or archive items.
Quickly editing groups of items
You can make changes to an item by using the Quick Edit Items area. Editable fields include the description, UPC, EAN, custom SKU, manufacturer's SKU, price, MRSP, if the item is taxable, class, brand, category, vendor, default cost, reorder point, desired inventory level, the option to delete from eCom, and the option to archive items with no inventory.
- Navigate to Inventory > Quick Edit Items.
- Search for your items by name in the Item Search field.
You can click Advanced to additionally search by Category, Tags, Exclude Tags, Brand, Default Vendor, and/or Tax Class.
- Select the fields you want to edit from the drop-down lists.
- Click Search.
- Type in the item's edited information. Your changes will be automatically saved.
Items that are part of a matrix can't have their description edited in this way.
Duplicating items
Duplicating items speeds up your workflow when adding many similar items, such as items with different sizes or colors. To duplicate an item:
The duplicated item will be listed in your Items and will start with "Copy of".
Updating the eCom web address of a duplicated item
The eCom web address is based on the initial name of the item. The initial name of a duplicated item contains "Copy of", so the web address will be /copy-of-duplicated-product. You can update the web address of products in eCom.
Merging items
Items will need different merging steps depending on the item's type.
Merging single and non-inventory items
A single item can only be merged with another single item (not a Box or Assembly). Likewise, non-inventory items can only be merged with other non-inventory items. To merge single or non-inventory items:
- Navigate to Inventory > Item Search.
- Click the name of the item you want to keep.
- Click the Merge menu.
- Select the checkbox next to the item(s) you want to merge.
- Click Merge.
- Click OK.
Any item(s) belonging to the merged selection will now be grouped with the original item you selected.
Merging Boxes and Assemblies
A box item is typically used when an item is bought by the case and sold as a case or in smaller packs. An assembly item is typically used to combine multiple items from vendors into an assembled product or a gift basket.
Boxes and assemblies can't be merged. If you want to make a box or an assembly mergeable, you will need to remove the items from the box or assembly and convert them to single items.
- Navigate to Inventory > Item Search.
- Click the name of the box or assembly you want to merge.
- Click the Box or Assembly menu.
- Click the trash bin icon for each item.
- Click OK to confirm the removal of each item.
- Click the Details menu.
- Click in the Type drop-down menu and select Single.
- Click Save Changes.
- Click the Merge menu.
- Select the checkbox for the item(s) you want to merge.
- Click Merge.
- Click OK.
Any item(s) belonging to the merged selection will now be grouped with the original item you selected.
Changing item types
Lightspeed Retail allows certain item type transitions. Depending on your item's type, different rules apply.
Single items
- A single item can't be converted to a non-inventory item if you currently have a quantity on hand or have ever had stock in the past.
- A single item can be converted to a box or an assembly.
Non-inventory items
- A non-inventory item can be converted to a single item, box, or assembly if it doesn't have a sales history.
- A box can be converted to a single item if it does not have items associated with it.
- A box can't be converted to a non-inventory item if you currently have a quantity on hand or have ever had stock in the past.
- A box can be converted to an assembly if it does not have items associated with it.
- An assembly can be converted to a single item if it does not have parts associated with it.
- An assembly can't be converted to a non-inventory item if you currently have a quantity on hand or have ever had stock in the past.
- An assembly can be converted to a box if it does not have parts associated with it.
Archiving and un-archiving items
If you're no longer carrying an item in your inventory, you can archive it. Archived items can be put back into stock at a later time.
To archive items, you must have Administrator rights.
Archiving items
- Navigate to Settings > Archive Items.
- Click the checkbox for the item(s) you want to archive.
- Click Archive.
- Click OK.
Un-archiving items
To un-archive an item and bring it back into your inventory:
- Navigate to Inventory > Item Search.
- Click Advanced.
- Select the Archived checkbox.
- Click Search.
Archived items will be highlighted in gray.
- Click the item's name.
- Click Un-Archive.
- Click OK.
What's next?
Removing items for store use
Keep your inventory accurate by removing items to be used in-store.
Learn more