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Understanding custom fields

There’s no such thing as too much information when it comes to your business. You’re unique, your business is unique, and so is the information that you require. With Lightspeed Retail custom fields, you can add additional information to:

  • items.
  • customers.
  • purchase orders.

Custom fields can be:

  • checkboxes.
  • dates.
  • text.
  • numbers.

Need a list of customers who are waiting for an item? Want to personalize the customer experience with information on brand preferences? Do you need to indicate when a purchase order payment is due and if it's been paid? The possibilities are as boundless as your imagination.

When you create custom fields, consider:

  • What information will help me get product information to the right customers quickly?
  • What additional information will help me sell more products to a wider customer base?
  • What information will help me better serve my customers?
  • How can I further personalize a customer’s shopping experience?
  • What information do I need to track or view the status of purchase orders?

You can create up to 100 custom fields per record. After you create a custom field, it appears for both existing and new records.

NOTE: Custom fields can be viewed and edited in your items, customers, purchase orders and Settings > Custom Fields section. However, they aren't included in searches, reports or export CSV files generated in your Retail account.

Custom fields for items

Customers waiting (text with email address validation) - You have customers awaiting the arrival of a specific item. You can use this custom field to add a list of customer email addresses to notify them when the item arrives.

  • Brand/vendor website (text with URL validation)
  • Brand/vendor email (text with email address validation)
  • Dimensions (text)
  • Weight (text)
  • Customers waiting (text with email address validation)
  • Country of origin (text)
  • Companion items (text)

Custom fields for customers

Brand Preference (text) - You can personalize a customer’s shopping experience by focusing on the brands the customer is most loyal to. You can also use this custom field as a guide to which customers to contact when a new brand item arrives in stock.

  • Clothing/shoe size (number)
  • Email/mail distribution list (checkbox)
  • Brand preference (text)
  • Style preference (text)
  • Measurements (text)
  • Pet’s name (text)

Custom fields for purchase orders

Payment Due (date) and Paid (checkbox) - Keep track of when a purchase order payment is due to the vendor, and if the payment was made, by creating a date field for the due date and a checkbox to indicate payment.

  • Cost Change (text)
  • Damaged (checkbox)
  • Paid (checkbox)
  • Payment Due (date)



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