With integrated vendors, we can send your purchase order directly to their ordering systems and provide instant stock availability. With non-integrated vendors, you can print and mail or email your Retail POS-generated purchase order.
Vendor | Catalog sync | PO upload | Invoice download | Stock levels | Multiple locations |
Bicycle Technologies International | yes | no | no | yes | n/a |
Downeast | yes | yes | no | yes | n/a |
Electra Bicyles | yes | no | no | yes | yes |
Giant Bicycle | yes | yes | no | yes* | yes |
Hans Johnsen | yes | no | no | yes | n/a |
Hawley | yes | yes | yes | yes* | yes |
J&B Importers | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
KHS Bicycles | yes | yes | no | yes | n/a |
Quality Bicycle Product | yes | yes | yes | yes* | yes |
Raleigh | yes | no | no | yes | yes |
Seattle Bike Supply | yes | no | no | yes | yes |
Sinclair Imports | yes | no | no | yes | n/a |
Specialized | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Giant, Hawley and Quality Bicycle Product integrations do real-time stock level checks.
Catalog sync
We automatically download the vendor’s complete catalog each night and make sure you have the latest items and price information. You can configure whether or not you update the price, cost or description from the main menu by clicking Inventory > Vendors.
Purchase order upload
Create a purchase order in Retail POS and instantly relay it to selected vendors for fulfillment.
Invoice download
After a vendor has fulfilled an order, you can download and import the invoice for easy inventory maintenance.
Instead of creating the order within Retail POS, you place the order with your vendor and download the Invoice onto a purchase order. Select the vendor invoice number with the date and order total ($) next to it. After you click Import / Synchronize Invoice, all of your items appear in the purchase order. You can now check-in the inventory and mark the order as finished.
Stock levels
Daily in-stock information enables you to see if a vendor has an item in stock or if it is backordered.
Giant, Hawley and Quality Bicycle Product integrations do real-time stock level checks.
Multiple locations
For vendors with multiple warehouses, Retail POS supports checking stock levels and making purchase orders for each vendor warehouse location.