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Managing employee hours

Managing your employees' hours is an important part of tracking their shifts, paying them appropriately, and ensuring that the correct employee is clocked in when they are working.

To allow your employees to clock in and out, you need to activate Lightspeed's built-in Time Clock module. As an administrator, clocking specific employees in and out allows you to control user permissions, as well as track and edit employee hours. 

Activating the Time Clock module

Activating the Time Clock module allows your employees to clock in and out for their shifts.

To activate the Time Clock module:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Optional Modules.

    Settings page with Optional Modules emphasized.


  2. Toggle the Time Clock module on.

    List of Optional Modules with Time Clock emphasized and toggled on.

  3. Select Save Changes.

Clocking an employee in or out

Clocking employees in and out as an administrator

Once the Time Clock module is activated, you can clock your employees in and out even if they are not present, so long as you have the Employee Setup permission.

  1. iPad only: Navigate to the Manager tab > Settings.

    Manager tab on iPad with Settings option emphasized.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.

    Settings page with Employee Setup emphasized.

  3. Select the clock icon next to the employee's name.

    List of employees with clock icons and Start Time column emphasized.

If an employee is clocked in, a start time will be listed for the employee and their clock icon will be orange.

If an employee is clocked out, there will be no start time listed for them and their clock icon will be green.

Clocking in and out as an employee

Your employees can also clock themselves in and out using their PIN.

  • Clocking in and out on Retail POS

    1. Click the IN or OUT button next to the signed-in employee's name.

      Home page with employee's name highlighted.

    2. Enter the PIN of the employee who is clocking in or out.

      Clock In or Out page.

    3. Select Clock In/Out.

    The timer next to the IN button indicates how long the currently signed-in employee has been clocked in for.

  • Clocking in and out on iPad

    1. Tap Time clock.

      iPad profile page with Time clock emphasized.

    2. Enter the PIN of the employee who is clocking in or out.

      Clock In or Out modal.

    3. Tap Clock In/Out.
    4. Tap Done.

Changing between employees

You can quickly change between employees in Lightspeed Retail using their PIN.

  • Changing employees on Retail POS

    To change which employee is currently logged into the Retail POS system:

    1. Click the employee's name.
    2. Click Change Employee.

      Employee area with Change Employee emphasized.

    3. Type in the PIN for the employee logging into the system.

      Verification required page requesting employee PIN.

    4. Click Log in.

    The previous employee will be logged out automatically.

  • Changing employees on iPad

    1. Tap Lock to log out the current employee.

      iPad profile page with Lock emphasized.

    2. Enter the PIN for the employee logging into the system.

      iPad locked page with option to enter employee PIN.

    3. Tap Go on the keyboard.

Reviewing employee hours

You can review your employees' logged hours by navigating to Reports > Total Hours.

Reports page with Total Hours emphasized.

You can filter by date, employee name, and/or store location to refine this report.

List of employee hours with options to Print and Export.

Editing employee hours

You may need to edit employee hours if a mistake occurs, such as an employee forgetting to clock in or out of a shift. To edit or add employee hours, you will need the Edit employee time clock entries permission enabled on your account.

Editing hours from the Reports screen

To do this from the Reports screen:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Clock Entries. You can use date or location filters to find the appropriate record.

    Reports page with Clock Entries emphasized.

  2. Click into the CLOCK IN and/or CLOCK OUT fields and change the information as necessary.

    List of employee time entries with options to edit the entries.

You can delete a record by selecting the trash icon.

Editing hours in an employee's account

To change hours from the employee's account:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.
  2. Click on the employee's name.
  3. Click Hours.

    Employee page with Hours emphasized.

  4. Click into the CLOCK IN and/or CLOCK OUT fields and change the information as necessary.

    List of the employee's time entries.

You can delete a record by selecting the trash icon.

To add hours to an employee's account:

  1. Input the date/times into the Start and End fields in the Add Employee Hours section.

    Employee page with Add Employee Hours section emphasized.

  2. Select the location from the Shop drop-down.
  3. Click + Add Hours.

What's next?

Keeping Retail POS (R-Series) secure

Learn more ways to keep your shop secure.

Learn more

Setting up employee roles and access

Group and limit levels of access in your account.

Learn more

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