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Managing customer accounts in eCom (C-Series)

When an order is made in eCom, the order and the customer's information are pushed to Retail automatically. However, if the order was paid using the payment method Pay at pickup, you will need to manually mark the order as paid.

Matching existing customer email in Retail

Once an eCom order is pushed to Retail, omnichannel first tries to match the transaction with an existing customer. Because e-mail addresses are not unique in Retail, omnichannel matches the transaction to an existing customer based on the following rules:

  • The email address must match the eCom sale exactly.
  • If there are multiple matching customers, the most recently created non-archived customer is chosen.

Creating new customer accounts in Retail

If there is no matching email once the order is pushed to Retail, a new customer account is created in Retail with the following customer details:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Home phone number
  • Mobile phone number
  • Address
  • Company name (if used the customer type business)

Editing customer account details in eCom

After an order is made in eCom and a customer account is initially created in Retail, changes to the customer's details in eCom will not push to the customer's details Retail. Instead, the changes will push to the Shipping section of the new sale in Retail. The same is true for changes to a customer's details in Retail: they will not push to eCom.

Another consideration to note is that if a customer changes their email in eCom but not in Retail, future sales to that customer will be attached to a new customer account in Retail. You can use Retail's customer merge feature to merge duplicate customer accounts.

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