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Keyboard shortcuts

Save time by using the many keyboard shortcuts that are available in Lightspeed Retail to move through your point of sale more easily and quickly.

Quick keys

Quick keys can be entered at any time to access the system. Quick keys are entered by holding down the 'Alt' key and then hitting the corresponding quick key.

Alt + 1

Current Sale. Returns you to the current sale on the register.

Alt + 2 New Sale. Begin a new sale on the register.
Alt + 3 Item Search
Alt + 4 Work orders. View and search for work orders.
Alt + 5 Customer Search
Alt + 7 Purchase Orders. View and search for purchase orders.
Alt + 8 Special Orders. View and search for customer special orders.
Alt + 9 Labels. View and print the labels in your label list.
Alt + 0 Gift Card Balance. Check the balance of a gift card.
Alt + X Dismiss warnings, errors, and other messages popup.

Function keys

You can access the navigation tabs using your keyboard's function keys.


Register or point of sale functions.

F3 Items and inventory, purchase orders, labels, special orders.
F4 Work orders
F5 Search for customers, make new ones, find gift cards and credit accounts.
F11 Display employee clock in and out dialog. You can enter your PIN to clock in or out.
F12 Lock the system so that a PIN must be entered. Also used to switch quickly from one employee to another.

Listings and Views

You can navigate and perform common tasks within listings using these shortcuts.

Alt + F

Triggers the listing Search button.

Alt + M Toggles the listing advanced search options.
Alt + Page Up Display the next page of results or record.
Alt + Page Down Display previous page of results or record.
Alt + End Display the last page of results or record.
Alt + Home Display the first page of results or record.
Alt + S Save
Alt + C Close
Alt + R Refresh
Alt + D Delete
Alt + A Archive

Register - adding charges

These quick keys are for the first register screen where you add items, charges, refunds, layaways, etc. Other quick keys are highlighted on the screen with bold and underlined characters.

Alt + C Move the cursor to the customer search box.
Alt + D Go to the payments screen and complete the transaction.
Alt + A Start or continue a layaway for the customer.
Alt + O Start or continue a special order for the customer.
Alt + W View the customer's work orders.
Alt + K Start or edit a work order.
Alt + R Start or continue a refund.
Alt + S Return to the sale tab.
Alt + I Move the cursor to the Add Item box to scan or type a search.

Register - payments

These quick keys are for the payment screen where you add payments and refunds. Other quick keys are highlighted on the screen with bold underlined characters.

Alt + S Finish the sale, continue to the receipt screen.
Alt + B Return to the sale to add more charges.
Alt + C Move the cursor to the Cash box to add a cash payment amount.

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