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Importing item images

After importing the filenames of your item images, you need to upload the image files to your Retail POS account to officially add them to your items.

Follow these guidelines when preparing your images for import:

  • Size: 8MB max.
  • Dimensions: 650 x 650 px max.
  • Format: JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Browser: Chrome or Firefox.

Importing images

To import images for your items:

  1. After importing the item image filenames, navigate to Inventory > Import Items.

    Inventory page with Import Items emphasized.

  2. Click the item import where you want to upload the image files.

    List of item imports with chosen import emphasized.

  3. Click Upload images for these items.

    Item import page with Upload images for these items emphasized.

  4. The Image Import page will show how many images are expected, along with the expected filenames. Click + Add Images.

    Image Import page with list of items needing images, expected filenames, number of total images expected, and option to Add Images.

  5. Drag and drop image(s) or click Browse... and select your image(s).

    Pop-up with option to import image(s).

  6. If your image(s) uploaded successfully, click Done.

    Pop-up with message that 1/1 images uploaded emphasized.

    • If your image(s) failed to upload, click X image(s) failed to determine the reason for the failure. Fix these errors, click Back, and reupload your image(s).

      Pop-up with 1 image failed notice emphasized.

You will see a confirmation page.

Confirmation page stating that all images for this import have been successfully uploaded.

To confirm your import was successful, navigate to Items > Item Search and review the item.

Fixing image import errors

Your images may fail to upload for several reasons:

  • Images must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. Export images to one of these formats and reupload.

  • Images must be less than 8MB. Compress your image and reupload.

  • Filename must match the filename used in your item import. Make sure the image filename matches exactly and reupload.

  • Filename is too long. Rename the file and reupload.
  • You've already uploaded the expected image and can't upload it again. To change an item’s image, navigate to Items > Item Search, find the item in question, and edit its image(s).

What's next?

Preparing your inventory data for import

Work with the Retail Imports team to upload your import spreadsheet.

Learn more

Adding images to items

Upload additional images to existing items.

Learn more

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