Finding Tyro payment details in reports
When making a sale or refund with Tyro, the customer receives a Lightspeed Retail sales receipt and a Tyro payment terminal receipt. Both receipts contain information that helps you cross-reference between transactions in your Lightspeed Retail account and the Tyro Merchant Portal.
The Lightspeed Retail sales receipt has the Sale ID (Ticket number) which you search for in the ID field under Reports > Totals.
Should you or your customer not have the Tyro payment terminal receipt, you can click on the Payment ID(in the ID column) to view details about the associated Tyro payment. You can then search these Tyro payment details (e.g. the Processor Reference is the Tyro transaction reference) in the Tyro Merchant Portal to find the associated Tyro transaction.
Surcharging with Tyro
With Tyro, it's possible to recover some or all of your merchant service fees and/or terminal rental fees from your customers by enabling surcharging in the Tyro Merchant Portal and on your terminal. If they accept the surcharge during a sale, the payment they process at the terminal will include the payment due for the sale and the surcharge. Once the payment is successful, Retail POS only records the payment that was due for the sale. The surcharge is handled by Tyro outside of Retail POS.
Creating an item to refund surcharges
To refund a Tyro surcharge, however, you need to create a non-inventory item in Lightspeed Retail. By doing so, you can then add it to all subsequent refunds going forward, adjust the price to the original surcharge amount, and easily account for it in your reports. This workflow is necessary because Retail POS is designed to prevent potentially fraudulent refunds that are greater than the original amount paid.
To create an item to refund Tyro surcharges:
- From the main menu, click Inventory > New Item.
- In the Description field, enter an intuitive name for the item (e.g. surcharge).
- From the Type drop-down, select Non-Inventory.
- Keep the Default price at 0.00.
- Keep the Default Cost at 0.00.
- Deselect the Taxable checkbox.
- Click Save Changes.