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Creating labor items

Creating labor items allows you to add commonly used services such as a bicycle tuneup or a tailoring charge to the labor section of a work order.

  1. Navigate to Inventory > New Item.
  2. Set the Type to Non-Inventory and the Tax Class to Labor or a custom labor tax class.
  3. Enter the time required to complete this service in the Service Defaults section.

    New item page with non inventory type, labor tax class, and service defaults fields filled out.

  4. Enter other details in the appropriate fields. Leave the inventory quantity at zero, as Retail POS will not track inventory for this item.
  5. Click Save Changes.

You can now add the labor item to work orders.

To set whether discounts can be applied to labor items go to Settings > General Options and select or clear the No Discounts on Labor checkbox, then click Save Changes.

General options page with no discounts on labor checkbox clicked.

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