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Adding employees

Create an account for every employee who will access Retail POS. For accurate reporting and management, we recommend that you create a dedicated account for each employee. Once you've defined your employee roles, add employees under Settings > Employee Setup

Before you begin

Before adding an employee to your account, confirm your employee limit and the level of access granted to the employee. Employee permissions can be set at the employee role level, ensuring all employees with that title have the same level of access.

Determining employee limit

Before adding a new employee, you may want to check how many employee accounts you have available. The number of employees you can add to your Retail account depends on your Retail POS POS plan. To check your available employee accounts:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.

    Settings page, with Employee Setup emphasized.

  2. Click on the name of an employee.

    List of employees.

  3. Click Sign In.

    Employee page, with Sign In emphasized.

Here, you can see the employee limit of your plan (Maximum) and how many employees you can add (Available).

Sign In page with Employee Limit section emphasized.

If you've reached your employee limit, we recommend archiving an employee that is no longer active. If you need to keep all current employees active, email your request to increase your employee limit to your Account Manager or get in touch with Retail Support.

Setting up employee roles and permissions

Employee roles can be used to group and limit your employees' levels of access in your Retail account. You can add employee roles and configure their permissions, allowing each employee with a specific role to have identical permissions. You can also create a Custom role to set an employee's specific permissions from within their account.

Adding an employee

To add a new employee:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Employee Setup.
  2. Click + New Employee.

    List of employees, with + New Employee emphasized.

    1. If this button isn't visible, you may have reached your employee limit. Check this using the steps under Determining employee limit above.
  3. Select their role from the Role drop-down.
  4. (Optional for multi-location accounts) You can limit the employee’s access to a specific location or locations.

    • Click Save Changes.
    • Ensure the Allow access to all toggle is selected if you want your employee to have access at all of your locations.

      Employee page with Allow access to all toggle selected.

    • To limit an employee's access, ensure the Allow access to all toggle is deselected. Click Edit. Click Remove for any location where your employee should not have access. Click Save.

      Pop-up window listing locations, with options to Remove a location from the employee.

  5. Enter the employee’s information in the Basics, Address, Phones, and Other sections.
  6. In the Contact section, select your employee's preferred contact method (Email, Mail, or Call) for software updates and important messages from Retail POS. Your employee's explicit consent is required to contact them through these methods.
  7. Click Save Changes.

The employee is now added to your Retail POS account.

What's next?

Setting login credentials and access settings

Set up login credentials for your employees.

Learn more

Setting up employee roles and access

Add and edit employee roles.

Learn more

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