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Modifying customer data

In Lightspeed Retail, you can easily modify your customer data to comply with customer privacy requests.


  1. From the main menu, click Customers Customers.
  2. Optionally, use the available fields and filters and click Search to refine your results.
  3. Click the first name or last name of the customer who's personal data you need to modify.
  4. From the Details section, modify your customer's personal data in the requested fields.
  5. Click Save Changes.


Your customer's personal data is now officially modified in your Retail account.


NOTE: If you have an eCom store connected to your Retail inventory, you'll also need to modify your customer's data in your eCom store to complete their privacy request. For instructions, please see Managing privacy requests in the eCom Help Center. Similarly, if you've integrated your Retail account with one of our partners, you'll need to contact them directly to learn what personal data they have and how to complete your customer's privacy request on their end. 


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